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Kingdom age Guild recruitment

Dragon born Recruiting (Top 300)

Dragon born (Top 300)
Invite 191547464

Active particiaption in wars, guild quests, good communication and x6 iph donations

Casualty Rate - 19%
Health Regen - 14%
Upgrade Costs -23%
Building Upgrade Times -23%
Guild Memeber Increase +28

Working towards the next health regen bonus
Hi! AGK is an active and growing guild! We have consistently placed in the top 400 and are looking for active members to help us reach the top 300! Our bonuses include 23% upgrade time, 23% upgrade cost, 10% casualty decrease, and +22 guild size. If you're interested in helping us reach the top 300 our guild ID is 718068734
We are a easy going guild. Always in top 750 .Plenty of Bonuses..No need to donate. Friendly active guild. Looking for some active members. The Beer Lovers
876 386 820 . If you love beer join us. If you dont you are still welcome.
Hello, I think you would be interested in joining my guild. No set requirements as of now, and I've been playing for a while but I have started a new account. What do you say?

Guild Code: 847 086 439

The more people who join, the quicker we rise to the top!

BloodandHonour !!!

We have a small guild of 5 players.
We are all very friendly and easy going.
We are all level 70+ and 4 of us have 1+ million stats.
We have constantly been in the top 750 in the guild war.
We are all multi-daily players and we are all based in Europe (CET timezone)
We play completely in English
We have the following guild bonuses:
+8 Guild member increase
-19% upgrade cost
-23% building upgrade time

What we ask for:
1. Daily players
2. Friendly/positive attitude :)
3. People who are willing to work in a coordinated fashion - e.g. during wars, playing at specific times. Where necessary, willing to sacrifice self to hit guild guardians. etc
4. Donate gold each day (the amount is negotiable depending on your level and where you are in the game)
5. Willing to join our FB/whatsapp/viber page to coordinate attacks - optional
6. Gems - completely optional.

I'm also open to guild merging if that means more success.

If you are interested, please add: 209255614
My alliance id: 376-284-603

Hey there! Would you like to join my faction? I am just starting this faction now, but I have experience with these games, as I am top 10 on MW! You look like an active player, so why don't you join me? You will need groupme so we can communicate, but that is the only requirement! Thank you very much'

Guild: 847 086 439

I hope to have you on the team!
top 400 guild recruiting
casualty rate -14%
health regen time -14%
upgrade cost -23%
building upgrade time -23%
guild member increase +28
daily players, no gem requirements, donate what you can
guild invite code: 247610322
Join The Beer Lovers Guild.

Join The Beer Lovers Guild 876 386 820
We are always in the top 750. Just need more members to get into top 500 and beyond. No need to donate. Not a high pressure guild but keen.We have plenty of bonuses .What have you got to lose..
Join Doomsday Preppers!

We're a gem-optional, fun guild but we are serious about War, Guild- and Limited-Time Quests. We consistently place in the 200’s in guild wars (#260 last war). We prefer 1M+ stats but being active is more important than having minimum stats, as we will help you grow stronger. Regular donation is expected and the use of our communication tool 'GroupMe' is obligatory as we believe in good communication.

Come check us out!

Hope to see you soon, Sisyphus (728-000-228)

Doomsday Preppers’ Guild ID: 813-761-072

Only active players need apply! We have several spots open if you want to bring allies or consider merging your guild with us.

Current guild Bonuses:

Casualty Rate: -14%
Health Regen Time: -5%
Upgrade Cost: -23%
Building Upgrade Time: -26%
Infantry Defense: +25%
Magic Defense: +20%
Machine Defense: +10%
Beast Defense: +5%
Guild Member Increase: +24 (44 slots total)
Douwannabeinmygang is recruiting daily active players. Kakao messenger is used but not essential.
Finished 256 in last war & just got rid of some dead weight for new members.
Min req are 5m Atk/Def & donate wot u can
Guild code 357554912
I was apart of a guild but recently left to start my own. I am on everyday and am looking for people that just enjoy to play. i now have
-10% upgrade sot
-23 building upgrade time

I would just like some other to chat with in the game. Help build up the guild. get the extra bonuses :)
I named it sons of Mac and the number is 401144668 please join me
Join The Barbarian Horde (top 600)
953 641 369
We accept any level as long as you stay active. We have these bonuses as well
Casualty rate -10%
Upgrade cost -23%
Building upgrade time -23%
Infantry defense +25%
Magic defense +5%
Blessed Mortals Too 254-761-966
Are you looking for a guild to call home? A family of friends who enjoy the game, each other, and the competition of the wars? Then Blessed Mortals Too is the home for you. We take our game seriously, but we know it's a game and we love having fun. Come share some time with us in our GroupMe chat, check out our amazing perks and you'll soon see that Blessed Mortals Too is where you want to be.

Have anymore questions, just ask.

Thanks Wish
Looking for a top guild?? We are a top 25 guild. We have a few opennings for the right person. Looking for very active players. OCD (formerly known as BGK2) is a top performing guild. We are a network and have tons of support.

If you have what it takes and the time to play, please apply at OCD 198393751

If you are new to the game send me a pm and we will help you get started.

This is not an ally request and no threads are up for guild recruitment. This is a guild ID and does not link to a player. If you are trying to increase your ally count you need to go to the other kingdom age thread (here: Kingdom Age ios Add Thread).
Join the Beer Lovers.
Join the Beers Lovers.we are a top 300 guild .Layback but successful.No need for gems and donations are voluntary.No need to download stupid apps to talk in.jJust get on when you can and we will help you.We have 41 bonuses and are looking for more members.We have 27 at present.Promotion is fast.
876 386820

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