Ya know what . This so funny . And after I saw this , I happened to catch a wise motto of yours in small print below the cartoon . and it is so true blah haha huhuhu .( well for me any way ) !
That's so funny . Don't you just love the sarcasm HUHUHAHAHA .
Or irony . Either way is good for me . The great thing about this is when
(If I may borrow this ) I post this my Alabama redneck freinds won't get the caption and all its irony , however they will want to pop the hood and
kick the tires ,and stand around it as if it were shop talk under the only live oak shade tree as though they were in a motor trend magazine ad
Haha ha , that's funny . Farm animals and farmers and high tech equipment . Sci I dont think you realize just how much you are right on this one . Hell I do know so many back home that fit this
" TO THE EXACT " . They all have tried using a computer and get so frustrated with them that lose their temper and sling the keyboard or slam the laptop only to never use again . Well they're older and love cell phones but only because they can talk while driving their tractor in the fields . They are happy without even using texting .