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Legendary Pokémon Raikou, Entei, and Suicune Arrive in Pokémon Go


iPadForums News Team
Three new legendary Pokemon coming from today.webp

The release of Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go has been a masterstroke by Niantic, succeeding in getting fans excited about the game all over again as they team up with strangers and friends in order to stand a chance of catching the Legendaries in epic Raid Battles.

It’s therefore no surprise whatsoever that Niantic has today announced more of the same for Pokémon Go, with Legendary Johto-region Pokémon Raikou, Entei, and Suicune all due to arrive in the game starting from today. You can find Raikou in the Americas, Entei in Europe and Africa, and Suicune in the Asia-Pacific regions until September 20. On September 30 all three will move to a different location to battle until October 31.

Niantic also announced today that it will begin an EX Raid Battle (formerly known as Exclusive Raid Battle) field-testing phase at certain Gyms prior to rolling out the feature globally. Niantic will be sending out the first EX Raid Passes soon, with the recipients getting the chance to try out the system as early as September 6.

Source: Legendary Pokémon Raikou, Entei, and Suicune and an EX Raid Battle Field Test Coming Soon - Pokémon GO

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