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Lego Harry Potter year 1-4


iPF Noob
Hello to all, new to forums, so I hope you will bear with me.
I bought Lego Harry Potter for my grandchildren, I always try the games out first so as to know how to guide them. I am stuck!, we are stuck!
How do I overcome the flying ball that is from what I remember in the Quidditch chapter in Philosephers Stone section. The flying ball keeps coming to me and even though I trace the red circle that appears under my character over and over again I keep getting killed. Which means that I can't progress any further in the game. My grandchildren are getting frustrated as well. Please, please someone help us, it is on the whole a good game which we would love to continue.:confused:
Stuck after sorting in Gryffindor common room.

Once I am in the Gryffindor comon room after sorting, I am not able to do anything. There is no quest, cannot move Harry or Ron. What am I missing?
After riding the lift up, you'll be in a room with a crate on the right. Destroy it and a bludger will come out. When you see red circles appear around you, it means that it's locked on to you. You can use this to your advantage to create a ramp: stand in front of the pillar holding up the raised platform. Stay still. When you see it lock on to you, move out of the way. The bludger will destroy the pillar and a ramp will be created. Head up it.

On this raised platform destroy the bludger chest. Again, use it to destroy the pillar to create another ramp for you. Head up and then climb up the ladder to end the level.
:)Thank you for replying, I will try that out as soon as I get a chance. It seems to be a fun game. I wonder how far you've got in the game!
All the best;)
I am stuck!

In the second level of the third year, when the skrewts go too close to Buckbeak, I cannot stun them! Please help!
When the red circle shows you just move quickly and you won't get hit. You are supposed to direct the ball to knock down the platform so you can walk up to the next level.

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