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Location of Cover Art


iPF Novice
My Ipad 2 is Jailbroken.

I am playing around with my own cover art and want to copy over ti to the location where the Ipad stores both the Kindle Cover art and the E-Books cover art. What are the specific locations where the graphics are kept. They don't appear to be int the individual app folders and my Ipad has >5,000 jpg files, so it could take ma a while to find them.


I already found the E-Books location:

Still having problems. I found a tmp... .jpg fiel in the directory and replaced both with a different *.jpg. I thjen killed the app and resprung. But, E-books still shows the original picture.

If I open the book, it shows the new cover, but the old (must be cached somewhere) cover still shows up in as the book cover withing the e-books app.

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