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Lock or shut down ipad automatically


iPF Noob
Hi ipadders,
I'm looking for an app that can lock my iPad or shut down it automatically when watching movies. It's basically like a sleep mode. Could anyone give any suggestions?

Many thanks !
I have never used ipad, but on iphone and ipod you can use the clock app to countdown and shut doqn or play a sound when its over
IPad Shut-off app seems so obvious

I am looking for the same app, an auto shut-off sleep timer that doesn't generate bad new age Muzak ( or ANY sound) for iPad.
I just want to turn on Netflix, throw a movie on, and go to sleep with my iPad set to automatically shut off in 1 or 2 hours.
Seems so obvious, but I cannot find this! If you find an app, please post.
Thanks- mark
My solution

I too wanted to watch a movie and then have my iPad turn off. The only way I figured out was to set my auto-lock to 2 minutes. I open up one of my downloaded movies or HBO Go app start the movie or show and then when it is over and my screen becomes idle it will go into sleep mode. Hope this helps. :)

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