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Looking at buying iPad2. Couple of questions...

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The cloud is one way around iTunes for sure. But i wasnt really talking so much about cloud music and how great i think it is. I certainly know its been out for a decade. I more invoked it as a possible work around for iTunes. I use Amazons cloud sometimes now but not often. Mostly if I buy an album on the road I sometimes hold it there and transfer it to the NAS media server later. I'm pretty sure we can still get that on iPad through the safari browser. I was more worried about local copies for travel as his iPad is wifi only. And things like plane trips seemingly still require local copies (as not every carrier or even airport offers free wifi.)

So if I buy space on web DAV can I overwrite the local files on the iPad with it? Playing from the cloud is ok but he'll probably want to add albums I buy and add to the media server. I guess I wouldn't mind using web DAV as a workaround but I dont like having to upload and maintain music files in two places (ie both Amazon and WebDAV.)

Obviously my most preferable solution is to be able to download local copies from my files on my media server. All I'm saying here is iTunes doesnt work at all with my existing infastructure. I like the device...but I just bought an album my husband would like to listen to on an upcoming trip. I have no idea how to get that from my existing media server to his iPad. I guess I copy it to the NAS, put the folders on his computer hard drive, add the folder to iTunes and re-sync. Probably a half hour process. I just want to make sure there isn't a better way (ie app) that can do this.

I'm not anti iPad. I just can't use one. I need to be able to take and put files copies from multiple server storage folders at various field offices. Not to a cloud. Not to a dropbox. To an server. Thats how its setup. I can't change that. To my knowledge iPad can't do this without an iTunes installation. I cannot sync iPad to 8-10 different servers. I don't dislike the iPad. I bought one for my husband. But I just can't use it. It was not a purchase option. I like the Xoom a lot as a device in and of itself. Like the iPad its a really excellent device. But the most important consideration was that I can use it for what I need it for.

EDIT: I Just want to add I hope I'm not coming off as totally lazy here. as someone earlier said, sync it once and be done. Even if I update the files with an iTunes sync once a week...no biggie. Realistically this isn't a ton of upkeep. Couple hours a week maybe. I was just hoping there'd be a better way to integrate it with existing infrastruture. I know iPad will be used a lot.more than Touch. So I'm just trying to make it as easily as possible. :)
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Sync once, be done! If your husband wants any other music, he can simply open iTunes from his iPad and buy what he wants to listen to. It will then be added to his collection. If he wants it backed up to his computer, you can do it for him. I don't see why he couldn't do it though. After it's set up initially, all he is doing is plugging the iPad to the computer via the connector it comes with. ITunes automatically opens and it begins to sync. No work from the user required. Ghats pretty user-friendly if you ask me.

As far as the Xoom goes, I can't wait to get mine. I have an iPad and iPad 2. Love my iPads, but the Xoom will be a fun new toy to play with!

P.S. I think we have the same husband! lol
Omg he still doesn't understand playlists. And on any given album he only likes half the songs. But then he gets annoyed with shuffle mode because he has to skip songs he doesnt like. Which is how I tried to teach him about playlists. But that was way too much right clicking apparently. Then I had to explain that we don't delete songs from the library. We uncheck them in the Touch's music list.

Then we tried manually manage music. It took 10 tries to explain it won't add one album. It will overwrite the whole Touch with one album. Oy.

He never saw a computer until he started his last job. I got my first tandy when I was 7. But everything else on iOS is fine for him. The push notifcations are clear. The more simple apps are really easy. Its just iTunes that causes this major mental stumbling block with him. Lol.

Oh yeah you'll totally love the Xoom. Its a ton of fun. Lots of customizations. Lots of things you can do with it in connection with your existing hardware. I won't root mine until after tbe 4g upgrade because I don't want to take any chances...but after I'll start loading some custom kernels and Overclocking. I haven't put the thing down since I got ut. Its my first Android device and I'm a huge fan!

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You can do remote sync on iPad with many servers simultaneously. App GoodReader on iPad provides both option download from server or sync to the servers. Its your preference weather if you want to change the local files.It also allows you to download music from different websites ( I don't know the legal aspect, I am happy with iTunes)

I use WebDAV servers for documents and once I edit the document locally, it's updated on the server automatically. I need this feature but I want I can turn it off.
To download,upload,sync or play the songs, you don't need iTunes.Another app is Qnap which supports NAS and you can sync all your media and also share with friends. Qnap is available on Android too so both of you can share the same music.There are many other Network Attached Storage apps like PlugPlayer.

But if you wanna get rid of iTunes completely then that's impossible because you have to sync with iTunes for software updates.
Awesome! Thanks so much. I kept hearing about the Goodreader app but now have a reason to download. I didn't realize it was so much more than a pdf reader. I can ftp into the NAS and 'sync' that way. Not the fastest service but I don't really care. As long as it gets done. I just need music files to go to the right place in iPads filing system (although I still contend this would be easier if I could just see the darn files!)

I'm not sure how to set up a webDAV service on my NAS securely. I assume you'd use a https connection. If this is the case, its just a simple matter of asking the cable company to give me a static IP And I could sync over the internet. How very cool.

Thanks again for the suggestions! Fun stuff to do this weekend :)

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