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Looking for a good document "management" tool


iPF Noob
Hi all,

Did a couple searches, but they brought back so many irrelevant results that they were hard to wade through.

I say "management" in the title, but that's a bit misleading. It's a simple need. I'm really just looking for something that will allow me to store work-related .doc, .xls, .pdf files in one place so I could quickly access them. If iBooks would allow me to drop in .doc and .xls files, I would have exactly what I needed.

GoodReader is a bit robust for what I need, but if that's the best option, then so be it.

Thanks for the help!
Try fileapp it looks like it could be good, but I haven't tried it, but it looks like what you could be looking for.

Sent from my iPad 2

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