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Looking for basic programming Apps for classroom to teach programming skills.


iPF Noob
I am a teacher in a special needs school.
I am not an ICT specialist but I am very confident with ICT. Part of my timetable involvesteaching special needs ICT. I am currently designing our ICT curriculum to meetthe new UK government requirements as well as the diverse needs of ourstudents.
I am lookingfor a way to teach the following strand of the new UK ICT curriculum to level1-4 students (primary school years).
“select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems andc ontent that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information” Our students respond best to creative / fun and relevant teaching contexts.
My initial thoughts are to use our ipads to make QR codes and encrypt data(steganography).
Can anybody steer me towards anymore appropriate apps / ideas?
Many, many, many x 1000 :) thanks in advance.
Take a look at Codea. It could support a number of programing/project types on the iPad. Anything from simple physics engine/demos to full blown games {See Crabitron}

Another creative and somewhat wonky app that might appeal is Creatorverse.

Last, perhaps the most practical but the least fun, is NovoCard. It works a lot like the old HyperCard did. It was also the buggiest last time I checked. But that has been a while.

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