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Lost some photos ipad 2, then all photos after reset (without deleting contents)


iPF Noob
I have been uploading photos onto my ipad 2 for months when recently i went to look at them and photos from the last week had disappeared. The last import album was empty as were the recently created albums.

I did a restore from icloud back up (reset in general settings without deleting content) to see if this would help. It was worse, now none of my photos were there, not even my camera roll photos were there, only my photostream.
I have done this process before and the photos have never deleted. My ibooks were still all there but no photos.

Recently i installed iphoto app, i was working on my new photos with no problems but since then these are the first albums to have been empty (since iphoto install). A coincidence maybe?
Also i just purhased a Lonely Planet book which seems to chew through the memory, another coincidence?
Any suggestions on how to get my photos back?
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I've had the sme problem. I took several pictures in my iPad 2 only one was saved to the gallery. I noticed a month o do whni was at a functio. Wha am I doin wrong. Is it possible I'm accidentally deleting the photos without knowing. I think I'm using the camera correctly. Took the pictures, saw it go down on the bottom but whni looked backed later of the 10 o so pictures kn, I only saw one. :( help me out plrase

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