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Love the ipad but i am going to return it...


iPF Noob
So i got the ipad thinking it would be a great companion to my desktop.....and it was for 3 weeks. My desktop just crapped so now i am having to look for a replacement because the ipad by itself is just not doable. I dont want another desktop so if i get a laptop i think it is rather redundant to have a laptop and ipad at this point for my specific uses. I am thinking about taking the ipad back and getting a macbook pro 13". I have never owned a mac or even considered owning a mac until i got the ipad but i like the idea of the app store on the mac and the compact size and construction compared to other laptops. Only problem is that i went by the Apple store to look at the Macs and they said that the general rule is 2 weeks on ipad returns. I have had mine 3 weeks. My receipt says nothing about returns or time limits. They said it depends on who i get to help me at the store whether they will oblige. Do you think i will have any problems. They shouldnt be too upset right?.....i am returning a $600 ipad and buying $1,500 macbook.

Oh yeah...and i asked about Lion since it doesnt come out until July. They said it would be free since i would be buying it so soon to the release date.
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Generally the folks at the MAC store are pretty helpful when I go there, but maybe just state that you need more functionality than the iPad can provide and maybe they will let you bring it back. I didn't know there is any specific time limit but I also would not expect to be able to bring it back three weeks later, unless there was something wrong with it. Good luck, I hope they take it back for you.
I didn't know there is any specific time limit but I also would not expect to be able to bring it back three weeks later, unless there was something wrong with it.

For some reason i had in my head the 30 day limit for returns when you first get a cell phone. I dont know why. 2 weeks just seems very short. Actually i just counted....im on day 25 now
I think if you are nice to them they may take it back. The apple store where I go is always ridiculously busy. They have always been very nice to my wife and I but we treat them like they are oh so very very smart. I have overheard other people being shut down by snotty, post pubescent "geniuses" because the customer had an "attitude".....ie they were unhappy or upset about something. I'm in my 40's and it is obvious when I go there that I am "old" but if I appeal to their coolness and superior intellect, they do seem to come across. If you cannot tell I really don't like the Mac store model, but it isn't designed to appeal to my generation, even though my generation buys so many of their products.
I have some light bleeding as well, maybe that will help my plea.

Only if you want a exchange . . . ..

If less the 30days they should take it back but change you a restocking fee of 10%. If if you plan to get a laptop at the same time they might skip the restock fee.

However i suggest you look at what you really need and . . . . then buy it.
I'm in my 40's and it is obvious when I go there that I am "old" but if I appeal to their coolness and superior intellect, they do seem to come across.

Try going there when you are in your 70's. They practically hid under their shiny white tables when I entered the store. I was programming and building computers before these "geniuses" were born and they assume anyone over 35 is a computer illiterate. I bit my tongue and bought an Ipad but it's my last Apple product.
I love the products, but I find the apple store so unprofessional. I have two teenagers of my own, and the last thing I want is to have to deal with smart ass young people who are encouraged by their employer to be, well, smart ass young people. For example, I've spent lots of money there and don't like being referred to as dude or bro by some goofballs after a purchase.
Totally agree,
I felt like a second class citizen too.
We have been running successful businesses well before they were born
Techo info is not the only form of intelligence.
I would like some good honest help without the attitude.
I love the products, but I find the apple store so unprofessional. I have two teenagers of my own, and the last thing I want is to have to deal with smart ass young people who are encouraged by their employer to be, well, smart ass young people. For example, I've spent lots of money there and don't like being referred to as dude or bro by some goofballs after a purchase.

I guess I was lucky. The guy that helped me called me sir each time he spoke to me.
I do know what you mean. I get in when I go into a Verizon store and at least the Apple folks know their butt from a pair of shoes, unlike the snot nose arrogant folks I have to deal with at Verizon. They act like they are doing me a favor to pay their commission as they try to tell me some crap story about how I need a task killer on my Android phone or my Windows phone won't connect to my computer because I haven't updated the roaming list on my phone in 90 days.

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rawdoggie, Place the emphasis on the light bleeding issue and politely state that you are not comfortable with it, and that you would like to purchase a Macbook instead. I believe that there is a high probability that you will get full credit for your iPad and come out of it a happy camper. I see Apple bending over backwards all the time to make their customers happy these days. They are not perfect, but they've got the best show in town. Don't let the two weeks part of it discourage you from asking for what you need, this gets waved all the time. Good Luck!
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rawdoggie, Place the emphasis on the light bleeding issue and politely state that you are not comfortable with it, and that you would like to purchase a Macbook instead. I believe that there is a high probability that you will get full credit for your iPad and come out of it a happy camper. I see Apple bending over backwards all the time to make their customers happy these days. They are not perfect, but they've got the best show in town. Don't let the two weeks part of it discourage you from asking for what you need, this gets waved all the time. Good Luck!

Yep, i took it back last night. At first the guy didn't know if they could do it but then he went and talked to his manager and got the green light. So I am a new owner of a Macbook Pro. My first Mac.

Want a comparison to the ipad 2?????

The ipad was fun and very user friendly but we were using it as a household ipad not a personal ipad so we couldnt use it to its FULL capability with email and all. I loved all of the apps but i do have an ipod touch too and my wife has an iphone so whatever we could do on the ipad we can do on those especially email.

I decided i needed a laptop after seening my brother-in-law's new laptop while we were on vacation. He had a dell for small businesses and it was SUPER thin. This is what got me thinking laptop. Compact size like the ipad and much more funcionality. So i started looking at laptops. Come to find, his laptop was a more stripped down basic laptop and that is how they could get it so thin....more of a netbook. But at this point i was slightly obsessed with the thin laptops. I looked at Dell, Toshiba, Samsung all had a really fat profile and just did not have a quality feel to them. This is what brought me to the Mac. VERY high quality materials as in all apple products i have owned. Lots of aluminum just like the ipad, ipods, nanos. The one think that i have regards about is the OS coming from PCs. And remember my desktop just died a week ago so i needed a catch all.

One of the other things i love is that we can have multiple user profiles so i can have my own profile with my emails and all of my configurations the way i like and everyone else can have their own too. Safari keeps my bookmarks the way i like them and someone else can log on to their profile and have all of their bookmarks. One thing i have not liked is that Yahoo requires pop on the Mac but didnt on the ipad or iphone but i guess that's more Yahoo than Apple. And i dont like how you cant open a Safari window full screen. I only got the 13" because the 15" was $600 more or so. 13 would be great if i could use all of that 13. It seems like i only have about 10" of browser screen.

I love the fact that mac has an app store. Only bad part is that the apps are limited right now (i'm sure much more will be coming) and some are pretty expensive but then again i think alot more goes into a full computer program than some of these iphone and ipad apps. Im not used to the OS X yet after one night. Im sure it will take a couple weeks but so far i am pretty happy with my decision to exchange the ipad for the MBP but if i had never owned the ipad i probably would have never considered the Mac....
rawdoggie said:
Yep, i took it back last night. At first the guy didn't know if they could do it but then he went and talked to his manager and got the green light. So I am a new owner of a Macbook Pro. My first Mac.

Want a comparison to the ipad 2?????

The ipad was fun and very user friendly but we were using it as a household ipad not a personal ipad so we couldnt use it to its FULL capability with email and all. I loved all of the apps but i do have an ipod touch too and my wife has an iphone so whatever we could do on the ipad we can do on those especially email.

I decided i needed a laptop after seening my brother-in-law's new laptop while we were on vacation. He had a dell for small businesses and it was SUPER thin. This is what got me thinking laptop. Compact size like the ipad and much more funcionality. So i started looking at laptops. Come to find, his laptop was a more stripped down basic laptop and that is how they could get it so thin....more of a netbook. But at this point i was slightly obsessed with the thin laptops. I looked at Dell, Toshiba, Samsung all had a really fat profile and just did not have a quality feel to them. This is what brought me to the Mac. VERY high quality materials as in all apple products i have owned. Lots of aluminum just like the ipad, ipods, nanos. The one think that i have regards about is the OS coming from PCs. And remember my desktop just died a week ago so i needed a catch all.

One of the other things i love is that we can have multiple user profiles so i can have my own profile with my emails and all of my configurations the way i like and everyone else can have their own too. Safari keeps my bookmarks the way i like them and someone else can log on to their profile and have all of their bookmarks. One thing i have not liked is that Yahoo requires pop on the Mac but didnt on the ipad or iphone but i guess that's more Yahoo than Apple. And i dont like how you cant open a Safari window full screen. I only got the 13" because the 15" was $600 more or so. 13 would be great if i could use all of that 13. It seems like i only have about 10" of browser screen.

I love the fact that mac has an app store. Only bad part is that the apps are limited right now (i'm sure much more will be coming) and some are pretty expensive but then again i think alot more goes into a full computer program than some of these iphone and ipad apps. Im not used to the OS X yet after one night. Im sure it will take a couple weeks but so far i am pretty happy with my decision to exchange the ipad for the MBP but if i had never owned the ipad i probably would have never considered the Mac....

Great news! :) I suspect that the Macbook will take you quite a while to configure (and you have Lion coming up in the Fall). In a few months you should be ready to re-purchase a brand new iPad (3?) lol. I can almost assure you that this will be the case. That's a big machine that you've gotten yourself, 13" is perfect imho. A couple of years ago there was a discussion on Slashdot that over 30% of Google employees had Macs, a number that surprised me at the time. Enjoy it, you have made a wonderful acquisition.
rawdoggie said:
One of the other things i love is that we can have multiple user profiles so i can have my own profile with my emails and all of my configurations the way i like and everyone else can have their own too. Safari keeps my bookmarks the way i like them and someone else can log on to their profile and have all of their bookmarks. One thing i have not liked is that Yahoo requires pop on the Mac but didnt on the ipad or iphone but i guess that's more Yahoo than Apple. And i dont like how you cant open a Safari window full screen. I only got the 13" because the 15" was $600 more or so. 13 would be great if i could use all of that 13. It seems like i only have about 10" of browser screen.

Re Safari, by default it does that, however, drag the title bar to the top, then drag it to the left so that the 3 coloured buttons are off screen, then drag the bottom right of the safari window to the botton left.

After that, drag the title bar back to the right so you can see the 3 coloured buttons again, and click the green button, it will then auto resize the safari window to fit your screen, as long as you do not resize it, it will reopen at that size.

Hope that helps.

I bleed in 6 colours
Great news glad they hooked you up. My wife has the same MacBook and the quality is great, you will love it! I'm glad this worked out the way it should have.

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