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love the Ipad


iPF Noob
My husband bought me the Ipad for Christmas and I love it. I love playing with new gadgets and am interested in seeing what I can do with this one. I have the 3G version but have only used it on Wifi--created my own hotspot by tethering my Droid.

I am a genealogist so looking at all the programs that will enable me to carry all my files on the Ipad instead of my laptop.
Between Dropbox and either Goodreader (must have) and Documents To Go Premium, you can keep your iPad synced with your desktop/laptop. I use the desktop version of Dropbox on 3 different machines so that I can have access at all times to the same data across the board. Change the file on one box, then all the rest receive the updates so everything is on the same page.

Dropbox - Online backup, file sync, and sharing made easy.
will check it out

Between Dropbox and either Goodreader (must have) and Documents To Go Premium, you can keep your iPad synced with your desktop/laptop. I use the desktop version of Dropbox on 3 different machines so that I can have access at all times to the same data across the board. Change the file on one box, then all the rest receive the updates so everything is on the same page.

I have dropbox but not yet used it--will check out the others. Wow! didn't expect to get a response so fast. this is an awesome forum.
Also look at evernote (free) which will sync your notes with your desktop. The more you use it the more you find uses for it.
Have fun.

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