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Love My iPads


iPF Noob
I love my iPad2 and my mini. My husband and I share these.

As much as I love them I realize I'm not using them to their full potential and will likely be asking many questions here.

We're semi-migrating from a MS environment to Apple. I don't think we'll ever be able to completely leave MS. My old laptop was just retired from use. In the meantime, I'm using my iPad with an Apple Keyboard at my desk. It works well for most things. I still haven't worked out what needs to be MS/apple yet. It saves me rushing out and buying a new laptop immediately.

My next phone, when my present plan expires, will likely be an iPhone. Right now I have an HTC.

As is most likely obvious from my name, I'm in Canada.
Hi there and welcome,

I see you've been with us a while but it's good to have you here anyway.

As for your move to Apple you can dual boot a Mac with OSX and Windows, you can't do it the other way around (not easily or legally anyway) i.e. boot any make of computer other than a Mac with OSX. I hope that helps. Personally, when I moved from Windows to OSX many years ago I jumped in the whole way, didn't even dual boot, I just found OSX compatible programmes that would handle my old files and I've never looked back.

The Archangel
Welcome aboard. There's no reason to stay with Microsoft. I left the Windows Laptop world in 2007 and haven't looked back. The only reason I still have a Windows computer left at my house is because I'm a gamer and it's easier to game on a Windows machine. I do have Parallels and Windows 7 installed on my Macbook Pro, for those times when I just absolutely have to use Windows, but I never use it. My server is now a Mac Mini. I've got the Mid 2012 Macbook Pro. I've got both iPads and recently picked up an iPhone. I decided this year that I was done trying to make Windows and Android work. I'm getting older now and just want my device to work without having to figure out a work around. Also, there is no better laptop than an Apple. None. I've been through them all. Dell, Samsung, Panasonic, Sony, even an Alienware. None of them were half as good as my Macbook Pro. The battery life is amazing, and the screen and keyboard are the best. Do yourself a favor, and just make the jump to Mac. Yes, it's tough to figure out how to work it at first, but you'll be happier in the long run.
Hi, Canuckgal, and welcome. I left Windows for Linux in 2001 and never looked back. This year I left Linux and Android for iOS and my only devices now are iPhones, iPads, and an Apple TV. I'll have a Mac Mini soon, but I don't think I'll ever stray away from iOS and OS X. Leaving Windows is definitely doable :)
Wish it were easy. Even my husband would like a MAC. The problem is 20 years of (Canadian) financial records that don't work well when put on a MAC. He's researched this carefully and there is not a clean crossover. He can't risk it. This is a very specific problem.

I know other business folks that feel the same way.

I might buy myself a MAC Air in the future since I don't do any of his business work. I'll wait until I get my iPhone. In the meantime, the iPad seems do most of what I need. There's no rush.

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