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Lynktec Stylus

So I have the iFarady RXII and just got the Lyntek TruGlide. Compared with the iFarady, the TruGlide tip is more squishy. I like the firmness of the iFarady tip better, but the thinness of the TruGlide.

I had hoped the TrueGlide tip would be firmer than it is.

For what it is worth I also picked up the NewTrent retractable stylus. The tip on it is squishier than the TruGlide and I don't like it at all.

Thanks for that. Certainly squashes the deal for me as I like the firm tip of the iFaraday.
wmadan said:
The Verge just added the Lynktec stylus to its stylus review and is pretty positive about it.

The best stylus for iPad: we review the hits and misses | The Verge

Well, clearly stylus performance is highly subjective. I think this review is oriented towards drawing. I do a lot of handwriting, and I am very critical of anyone who claims that Paper is a great handwriting app! And the reviewer claims that the TruGlide is ugly! Actually, I feel that it is a very nice looking stylus, particularly in comparison with the Alupen and the Maglus--which he seems to be keen on.

As of now, the Lynktec is my favorite stylus. I don't even reach for my Jot nowadays---a stylus the reviewer rates as top for handwriting. I would now rate the TruGlide as tops, followed by Jot and iFaraday in that order.
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So I finally got mine today, I got a blue one and the black executive one. I don't know if there is supposed to be a difference but here are my impressions.

The tip has the same cloth on it as the faradays so the same slip and slickness, but the tips are hollow and much much squisher than the faradays. I can describe exactly what they feel like if you now the reference points.

They are thinner than the faraday and the Wacom bamboo, the tip is the same size as the bamboo, maybe a tad smaller. But the tip is hollow unlike the faraday. It feels exactly like the Wacom bamboo with the faraday cloth wrapped around the tip. But the stylus Isn't heavy like the bamboo, so the hollow tip doesn't bottom out like the bamboo. Everyone has their own preference but IMO I would take this stylus over the bamboo any day. But if it matters to you, I found the bamboo to be too heavy for the firmness of the tip. I didn't mind that it was heavy, if it had a firm to like the faraday the weight would have made it nice.

As for the person wanting to swap tips around, it could actually be possible to swap this with the bamboo. Not positive, just saying in looking at the truglide there is nothing that would immediately make me say it can't be done.

However, to do it, I think you would have to destroy the the truglide. The bamboo and the faraday are both made so that you could fix or replace parts, the way these are made to me it looks like once you pulled that tip out you would never get one back in. Your better bet would be to order the cheapest faraday and pull the tip out, use the cloth and wrap it around the bamboo rubber and then screw the bamboos discussion plate back on.

The faraday regular firmness tip is still my favorite, by far, followed by these. The bamboo would be last place for me almost no matter what styli are in the rotation, I really disliked it.

And if it matters, the blue one is firmer than the black one. I don't know if this is how they are supposed to be or if it's just a fluke.
claythrow said:
So I finally got mine today, I got a blue one and the black executive one. I don't know if there is supposed to be a difference but here are my impressions.

The tip has the same cloth on it as the faradays so the same slip and slickness, but the tips are hollow and much much squisher than the faradays. I can describe exactly what they feel like if you now the reference points.

They are thinner than the faraday and the Wacom bamboo, the tip is the same size as the bamboo, maybe a tad smaller. But the tip is hollow unlike the faraday. It feels exactly like the Wacom bamboo with the faraday cloth wrapped around the tip. But the stylus Isn't heavy like the bamboo, so the hollow tip doesn't bottom out like the bamboo. Everyone has their own preference but IMO I would take this stylus over the bamboo any day. But if it matters to you, I found the bamboo to be too heavy for the firmness of the tip. I didn't mind that it was heavy, if it had a firm to like the faraday the weight would have made it nice.

As for the person wanting to swap tips around, it could actually be possible to swap this with the bamboo. Not positive, just saying in looking at the truglide there is nothing that would immediately make me say it can't be done.

However, to do it, I think you would have to destroy the the truglide. The bamboo and the faraday are both made so that you could fix or replace parts, the way these are made to me it looks like once you pulled that tip out you would never get one back in. Your better bet would be to order the cheapest faraday and pull the tip out, use the cloth and wrap it around the bamboo rubber and then screw the bamboos discussion plate back on.

The faraday regular firmness tip is still my favorite, by far, followed by these. The bamboo would be last place for me almost no matter what styli are in the rotation, I really disliked it.

And if it matters, the blue one is firmer than the black one. I don't know if this is how they are supposed to be or if it's just a fluke.

Thanks for this nice writeup ofyour reactions. I agree that firmer would be better (I have the black one) and a solid backing would be nice.
Having the iFarady RXII and now the TrueGlide, the TrueGlide gets my vote because of its smaller tip. If iFarady could make a stylus with its more solid tip with the size of a TrueGlide, I would be all over it.
I received my TruGlide today and immediately noticed the squishy tip. It glides extremely smooth across the screen and feels good in the hand but it's lack of firmness really lost it for me. I got a bit adventurous and pulled the tip off. There's a microfibre cloth over a thin rubber nib, inside the nib is a spring.

I figured since I was this far, I may as well go all the way. I took the Bamboo apart, put the microfibre cloth over the nib, glued it to the top and trimmed away the excess. After adding a bit more glue making it decent looking I put it back together. The hard part is screwing the metal piece back on. Because the cloth adds to the size, it won't screw easily so I wrapped it in a small cloth and used pliers. It works, well. Especially after adding rubber to the tip as I stated in a previous post. I'd still like to try the iFaraday but this should hold me over for a while.

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