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mac vs. pc


iPF Noob
I am looking to replace my laptop computer from something in the ultra mobile market, and I have narrowed it down to the question mac vs. PC. With the release of the ipad, I have either decided to go with the HTC Shift or the ipad 64GB 3G+WiFi

A major selling point would be is whether or not you can use the safari browser on the ipad and stream content from various tv and movie watching websites such as hulu.com and surfthechannel.com

I have been told that hulu will be making a subscription app for the ipad, but with being able to use a full version of windows vista, upgradable to windows 7 (or so I have been told) I don't see how using windows internet explorer to stream internet content would be a problem

The overall weight and size gives the ipad a certain appeal to it, and the fact that I don't have to worry about a slide out keyboard due to the responsiveness of the touch input on the device itself is also a plus. I also like the 9-10 hour battery life vs the 3 hour or 7 day standby battery life of the htc shift depending on if your using the full version of vista or windows mobile 6.

because I don't have cable for the tv and because DTV just plain sucks, being able to stream content from the internet onto the device would be a major selling point, quite possibly the reason why I would purchase one.

any thoughts would be appreciated.
i just went from a pc to a mac and i found it is a lot easly to do somethings and other things are still are on a learning curve ..but with the ipad it was like picking up a book and opening it and it ready to go when you are ..it just a little time to figure things out just like all things in the cumputer world ..

me i love the ipad for it simple to use and understand software set up along with some great applications for the unit ..
Welcome here, iPad can’t replace a computer at 100% , but he can do more than an usual Notebook, that depend on what you are looking for … As David say you will still need a computer in somewhere for sync or update your iPad …
Anything that uses Flash is not going to work on the iPad. That includes Hulu, NBC, and a few other sites. However, I have not found that to be a major issue with my iPad. As said, you have to have access to a computer with iTunes to initialize the iPad, but that can be done at an Apple store. You can get a MacBook for about the same price as the iPad you are looking at with more heft, but also more features. I would compare those two options for a best analysis of your needs.
Frankly IMHO if I were more interested in the business side of things, I would go with the HTC Shift. Other than the smallish screen, it is a pretty cool little device.

For personal/home use, I would go iPad.....
I guess it depends on what you think you will do with it. Consider the iPad's limitations - no flash, no real USB port, no file system, App store vs Windows apps, storage capacity, etc... Then consider the Shift's limitations, battery life, size. Its going to be a personal preference. In my experience so far playing with the iPads, the keyboard is surprisingly responsive. Its nice to be able to actually feel the keys with your fingers though.

If you do get the Shift, see if you can swap the hard drive with a solid state disk. You'll get much faster performance and much better battery life.

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