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Mail app problem

Hobby welder

iPF Noob
I think this has been asked before.... I'm sorry if it has...

So, about 10 minutes ago (10:31 PM my time) I opened my mail app on my iPad 2 and got the message: cannot get mail, connection to server failed

What's causing this? It doesn't stop me from getting emails, but it's extremely annoying, I've tried the double click home and close app, restart, I'm not sure what to do now.

Also, this isn't a work iPad, it's a personal iPad.
I am having the same message with gmail. Google forum recommends turning mail off on all devices which use gmail, deleting gmail acct, powering down iPad. Restart iPad add gmail account. You may save mail to another acct before deleting gmail. Many google forum members reported success. I did not. My iPod with the same gmail account does not have any problems. Does your message mention gmail?
Good luck.
Somebody must have another solution. Please help.
No, mine does not mention gmail.

I have 4 emails accounts, 3 gmail, 1 hotmail.

My Outlook account is causing the same popup at the moment. I'm still trying to find out if it's a Hotmail/Outlook problem.
You could try to delete the mail account that's showing the issue, and then set up again. Sometimes that solves problems like these.
This is what I found (Outlook status page):

Problem: You might have issues syncing email with your mobile device. 15 August 06:44

They're working on it.
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Gmail is working fine for me.

Things may just return to normal. It may be worth reporting the problem to Google, if the problem persists.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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