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Manually restoring apps on official backup?


iPF Noob

Im a ipad 2 owner, today i decided to update to ios 5.1.1, since jailbreak is out (was on ios 4 jailbroken). I have upgraded and restored my apps from itunes, and already did the jailbreak. What troubles me is that a lot of apps didnt restore using itunes, mostly cydia apps. I know, since they aren't official, sync doesnt work. But, i was exploring the backup file, and i noticed that all my apps are there, on .zip files (including the ones that didnt restore). Inside the zip, there are 2 files (itunesartwork and itunesmetadata), along a 'payload' folder .

So, by the size of the zip files, i know the apps are there (same size of the app). Is there a way to manually restore them, using iphone explorer or another tool? There must be a way (since the app data is there), i just couldnt find it.

Anyone can help?
A restore from backup using iTunes does not restore Cydia apps. You have to go back to Cydia and re-download them, either by using a Cydia backup tweak or one at a time.

If an App Store app did not install after a backup, then you can go to the App Store and re-download them.

Cydia and the App Store are the same in that, once you've purchased and app or tweak, they are yours forever. So, you haven't lost anything, you've just got to go get them.

Once of the mini-hassles of doing a new jailbreak...

Tks for the answer, but i knew that. What i want to know (and that's why im posting on 'hack' session of the forum) is about the file structure. What are those files? Whats the difference between the .zip that apple makes on backup and the .ipa files?

And i would still like to restore my apps, instead of re-downloading them, since i want to keep configs, internal downloads, etc.
Ok, found myself the answer, will post here for anyone who arrives looking for the same.

How to manually restore apps from an itunes backup:

1) find your backup files - windows usually = C/Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup
2) the .zip files on application folder ARE EXACTLY THE SAME .ipa files found on web, so just rename from .zip to .ipa
3) use your favorite method to install .ipa files (google it if you dont know how)

That way you can restore all your apps, even those who werent restored by itunes (obviously you need to have those apps when you made the backup, otherwise they will not be on it)

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