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Maps app pin location


iPF Novice
I have an iPad 3,IOS 6. As has been stated the maps app is not the best but I can live with it for now until Apple get their long overdue act in order. What is frustrating is that my home address is in the wrong location. I tap on the pin and a Dropbox shows me a list of options, one of which is 'pin in wrong location'. I then click the blue 'next' button and a smaller map appears with instructions to 'drag pin to correct location'. My question is which pin, the one on the smaller map because if so the map itself just moves around. There is no way the pin can be moved on there. Any ideas guys n gals?
You can pinch to zoom in/out of the map. Do this and drag the map until you see where you want to drop the pin. Tap and Hold until the pin apperas, then drag it to exactly where you want it before lifting your finger. If you miss, do it again.
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twerppoet said:
You can pinch to zoom in/out of the map. Do this and drag the map until you see where you want to drop the pin. Tap and Hold until the pin apperas, then drag it to exactly where you want it before lifting your finger. If you miss, do it again.

Thank you very much. It worked. It would be useful if Apple gave clear instructions. If it wasn't for such as you, a lot of users would be in the dark.
Best regards.

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