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Media Players for IPad2

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Hi there,
Any advise about what is the best media player application for IPad2 to purchase from Apple store?
Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of great people here willing to lend a hand anytime. Often using the Search box (at the top-left of every page) will lead you to the answers you're looking for. If not, feel free to post a question in the appropriate area.

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Regarding your question, as mentioned search is your friend. :) There are numerous threads here about media apps for the iPad. For instance I typed in "Best iPad media player" in the Google search field (upper right-hand corner of every page) and here's the results...

best iPad media player - Google Search

We also have a couple of sponsors that sell players, converters and such.

Rather than create another thread have a look at the existing information and feel free to ask questions there.

Welcome again and enjoy!
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