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Memory, and a few other new user questions


iPF Noob

Hope this isn't a duplicate. Tried posting it a while ago, but apparently didn't go through for some reason.

a.Where on my iPad3 do I go to find out how much memory has been used up, and what remains ?

b. When I install an APP that is charged to my credit card, sometimes it asks for my Password, and other times it doesn't.
Why ?

c. The list that shows all the Downloaded and installed APPS does not show all of the ones I actually have installed.
Why ? Is this a list I have to tell it to update myself, or... ?

Robert11 said:

Hope this isn't a duplicate. Tried posting it a while ago, but apparently didn't go through for some reason.

a.Where on my iPad3 do I go to find out how much memory has been used up, and what remains ?

b. When I install an APP that is charged to my credit card, sometimes it asks for my Password, and other times it doesn't.
Why ?

c. The list that shows all the Downloaded and installed APPS does not show all of the ones I actually have installed.
Why ? Is this a list I have to tell it to update myself, or... ?


Hi there. I'll do my best to help.
a. To do this go into settings. Then general. Then usage. This has everything you have on your iPad with all the values of memory they take up. At the top of this list is how much memory you've used up and how much is left.
b. once you've entered your password you won't have to do so again till a certain amount of time has passed (an hour I think). I think I read somewhere you can change this but I could be wrong.
c. What list is this you're looking at? There are 2 that I can think or that show this info.

Hope I've helped.

Sent via iPF from my iPad2 iOS 5.1.

Thanks for reply and help.

Re (c): No big deal, but was just curious.

An APP I downloaded and works just fine does not show up when you go to the APP store
and look in the "Purchased" tab/button. Not there.

But, if you go to Settings, and look at the full APP list that comes up there, it does show.

Was just wondering why.
Quite a toy; lots to know (for me).

Best regards,

If you do buy an app and input your password you have a 15 minute window in which you won't need to input this info again and MrLuke was right this can be changed in Restrictions to be input every time you purchase anything.

Sometimes Apps just get pulled from the App store, some are because the Developer is having an issue with the App and needs to work on it before it will be back. This is more likely to happen when an update for the iPad is released as then all Apps need to be updated also to run on the new iPad update and sometimes this is when bugs and glitches will surface, we had an iPad update last month. This may be the reason here or it could be also the Developer has ceased working on the app.

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