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Message App

Try this, Linksys E4200v2 Maximum Performance Dual-Band N N900 Router. Linksys is the best Router out and you will only need one Router. Go to their website www.cisco.com and take a look.  
AnonymousNoOne said:
Try this, Linksys E4200v2 Maximum Performance Dual-Band N N900 Router. Linksys is the best Router out and you will only need one Router. Go to their website www.cisco.com and take a look.  

I don't think it's anything to do with the router because it won't work at 2 friends' homes when successfully connected to their internet. Today I took the iPad back to shop where purchased and the first thing they did was check if Message worked from there. And guess what - of course it did - Murphy's Law. Then they reinstalled the software update (this was a 4 point something when I got it even though the 5.0.1 was already out). When I got home with the iPad - yep, Message didn't work! Now then, there is something else and since you mentioned it in an earlier chat (iCloud) - I am thinking there is a problem with this iPad. I went to settings in iCloud yesterday and a message came up saying The Terms of Service have changed. There was only one option to tap and that said "OK". I tapped OK and up came the little wheel turning and "loading". Tehn it suddenly went back to home screen. I repeated the process about 3 times and it happened the same way every time. I showed this to the guy at Incredible Connection today and he said "oh, that shouldn't happen". So I think there is a gremlin in this iPad and I think I need to insist they change it for a new one. It is only 3 months old.
Thanks for all your input! CherryB.
Sorry that you are having so much trouble, Cherry. I hope you can get the experts to swap it out - or at least fixed.

I'm tapped out and truly have no more ideas. Just wanted you to know that. Sorry I couldn't help...

iMessage and iCloud only work for iOS 5.0.0 and up! So tell them you want your money back. And go to www.apple.com and buy a new one from their. All new ones has iOS 5.0.0 and up on them already.
Mickey330 said:
Sorry that you are having so much trouble, Cherry. I hope you can get the experts to swap it out - or at least fixed.

I'm tapped out and truly have no more ideas. Just wanted you to know that. Sorry I couldn't help...


Thanks Marilyn anyway for all your help. I think AnonymousNoOne hit the nail on the head with the iCloud and as the iPad is still under warranty am going to insist on a new one !
Have a good day!
AnonymousNoOne said:
iMessage and iCloud only work for iOS 5.0.0 and up! So tell them you want your money back. And go to www.apple.com and buy a new one from their. All new ones has iOS 5.0.0 and up on them already.

Thanks, you 're right and that's what I'm going to do!
CherryB said:
Thanks Marilyn anyway for all your help. I think AnonymousNoOne hit the nail on the head with the iCloud and as the iPad is still under warranty am going to insist on a new one !
Have a good day!

Hi Marilyn - I took one last shot and I phoned the young guy who always comes and sorts my computer problems. I told him the problem over the phone and he said he would look on the internet and phone me back. He phoned in 10 minutes and told me to change the DSN setting (on Wi-Fi settings) from to And now iMessage works!!!!!!! Hooray!!!
Cheers, Sheila
AnonymousNoOne said:
iMessage and iCloud only work for iOS 5.0.0 and up! So tell them you want your money back. And go to www.apple.com and buy a new one from their. All new ones has iOS 5.0.0 and up on them already.

Hi - I took one last shot and I phoned the young guy who always comes and sorts my computer problems. I told him the problem over the phone and he said he would look on the internet and phone me back. He phoned in 10 minutes and told me to change the DSN setting (on Wi-Fi settings) from to And now iMessage works!!!!!!! Hooray!!! CherryB

While I am sorry we couldn't help - I am VERY glad you got it sorted. Thanks for the update.

Happy iMessaging! :)

Awesome,glad you got it straightened out. I would not have guessed it was a DNS Issue in a situation like this :)

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