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Microsoft Office for iOS Could be Delayed Until Fall 2014

Yeah, Apple, with all of their great success, is really hard to understand. I mean, why, why, why in the world are the not being aggressive about the Mac Pro? It is really that hard to support that machine? Gosh, just a team of two or three people could keep that line up-to-date and fresh, but they can't seem to manage it. Yet, they can make droves of iPod Touches in every color you can imagine. It seems like they, too, need new management!

I guess the bottom line is that none of these companies are perfect..they all have good points, or strong points, and they all have weak points, or blind spots. They all seem evil, and good, depending on your point of view, the issue in question, and the day of the week. I guess that's why I keep my eggs spread around...I don't like to be too dependent on products from any single tech giant. Spread the glory, to ease the pain. :)
When you consider the heights to which Apple have grown, it's perhaps not surprising that they are floundering a bit, or appear to be. Pre-iPod they were a bit player. Ãœber geeks had Macs, and everyone else had PCs. A laptop was a status symbol, and syncing it up was a BIG bore.

I read that the development team for OS X have been set to work on iOS 7. That strikes me as a bit of panic setting in. Business has to be where they need to strike. Perhaps now Steve Jobs is no more, they could partner with MS to supply good hardware, OS AND business software? (That was difficult to write, but business can't afford to hold grudges).
Two kinds of users: those that do not depend on a WP for their supper (and can do well enough with almost any of the currently available programs for iOS) and those that have special requirements and needs for the tools of their trade.

If and I say IF I use Word for the iPad (or Office) it must do what I need a WP/Office Suite to do. I love Word, but if it is bloated and offers very little, I could give a red rat's rosy ruffled red rumpled rump about Office on the iPad. I know it will not give me everything I NEED from time to time so I expect it to be slimmed down and loaded with nothing but basic features attempt by Microsoft to capture a little iPad glory because by the time it is released, Surface will be on the remainder table with the rest of the failed technology.

I do wonder how much of the Office package will require the cloud. If ANY of it does, I will be dosappointed. See, what I did there? And I loved DOS, go figure.

Before all of you start salivating at the prospects of MS-Office on the iPad, perhaps you should learn more about it and wait until it arrives. Sometimes the Office Suite is not always greener on the Microsoft side of the fence. Heck, when Apple releases a Surface RT version of Pages, I might go Surface.
Two kinds of users: those that do not depend on a WP for their supper (and can do well enough with almost any of the currently available programs for iOS) and those that have special requirements and needs for the tools of their trade.

If and I say IF I use Word for the iPad (or Office) it must do what I need a WP/Office Suite to do. I love Word, but if it is bloated and offers very little, I could give a red rat's rosy ruffled red rumpled rump about Office on the iPad. I know it will not give me everything I NEED from time to time so I expect it to be slimmed down and loaded with nothing but basic features attempt by Microsoft to capture a little iPad glory because by the time it is released, Surface will be on the remainder table with the rest of the failed technology.

I do wonder how much of the Office package will require the cloud. If ANY of it does, I will be dosappointed. See, what I did there? And I loved DOS, go figure.

Before all of you start salivating at the prospects of MS-Office on the iPad, perhaps you should learn more about it and wait until it arrives. Sometimes the Office Suite is not always greener on the Microsoft side of the fence. Heck, when Apple releases a Surface RT version of Pages, I might go Surface.

Office on iOS is so delayed and out of mind that most of use have found another solution and are quite happy with it. I think what in trying to say is that MS missed the window on this by about, oh, five years or so. Dummies.
QuickOffice Pro and Documents to Go and all alternatives that I have tried are incredibly lame for anything but the most basic documents. You can't do any serious office work on them. And forget about anything involving VBA. The only viable options, like CloudOn, or just a Remote Desktop solution, are the only viable solutions for documents of any complexity. But, even if you have a good office solution of some kind the small screen size and touch interface are awkward at best compared to working on a laptop or desktop PC. I use Wyse PocketCloud to connect to a server at 1600x1024 on my iPad 3 but mouse emulation is a major issue and it's hard on my 53 year old eyes. Then the onscreen keyboard covers nearly have the screen. I've heard this from many people. It's just not a good tool for serious office work. I find it's fine for lightweight work when you don't have access to a laptop or a desktop. Then I import it into Word and finish it up.

I'd welcome any version of Office that was more capable than existing solutions and didn't depend on the web.

That's not to say I don't love my iPad. I seriously do, but this is a weakness. There's a - very questionable - rumor that Apple is testing a 13" iPad. I would welcome that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
QuickOffice Pro and Documents to Go and all alternatives that I have tried are incredibly lame for anything but the most basic documents. You can't do any serious office work on them. And forget about anything involving VBA. The only viable options, like CloudOn, or just a Remote Desktop solution, are the only viable solutions for documents of any complexity. But, even if you have a good office solution of some kind the small screen size and touch interface are awkward at best compared to working on a laptop or desktop PC. I use Wyse PocketCloud to connect to a server at 1600x1024 on my iPad 3 but mouse emulation is a major issue and it's hard on my 53 year old eyes. Then the onscreen keyboard covers nearly have the screen. I've heard this from many people. It's just not a good tool for serious office work. I find it's fine for lightweight work when you don't have access to a laptop or a desktop. Then I import it into Word and finish it up.

I'd welcome any version of Office that was more capable than existing solutions and didn't depend on the web.

That's not to say I don't love my iPad. I seriously do, but this is a weakness. There's a - very questionable - rumor that Apple is testing a 13" iPad. I would welcome that.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Ill agree that full featured office apps are a weak point for idevices but the existing office products you mention are actually pretty decent but it does depend on what you want to do. For many users, just the basics or a tad more are enough. VBA, scripting, heavy formulas, yeah....it's time for something more powerful. I've been pleased with QuickOffice but I'm certainly not a power user either.

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