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Microsoft Updates OneDrive for iOS With New Command Gestures and More


iPadForums News Team
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iDownload Blog reports that Microsoft has updated its OneDrive iOS app, which is its cloud storage client. The new features included easier sharing with an updated, more visual menu, and some new ways of working with PDFs.

As far as the new PDF features are concerned, you can now draw and sketch on your PDF files, sign documents, and make notations, all provided you are working directly with the files in OneDrive. And with the new Outlook integration for OneDrive you can also now share OneDrive files as email attachments via Outlook.

Document Picker is another new feature, where you can open your cloud-stored files in third-party apps including Keynote and Pages. You can also now see folders that have been shared with you next to your own OneDrive folders, as well as sync them with your computer.

As for the aforementioned changes to the sharing menu, simply tap and hold the file you want to share, and a handy radial menu will pop up with quick access to common features such as Trash. To select, simply slide your finger across to the option.

Source: OneDrive for iOS gains new command gestures and cool ways to work with PDF files

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