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Midi enabled apps clock


iPF Noob
I'm wondering if there are any apps that take advantage of the Alesis io dock for midi clocking? I'm sure audio companies are working on it but I haven't heard I'd any yet. Need my midi sync.
Okay, I pretty much felt like one of the students in Charlie Brown's class. You know, where they hear "Wha wha wha." :D Very humbing to realize how much out there I don't know/never heard of

However, how about this page? Pro Music Apps » MIDI

It seems like a pretty cool site for MIDI apps (?). In fact, the whole site is pretty interesting... They may have some articles or whatnot about that dock.

Other than that, I'll let an expert come along to help...


P.S. If it's of any use to you, I've got the Symphonix Evolution Player app and it plays MIDIs quite nicely (for what I need)...
Hi Norby,

I am following the same line of thought of you regarding finding Midi apps that will work with my Midi Hardware.

I personally need Apps that can sync to my external midi clock input as I use a hardware clock as the master.

I wondered if you would share with me the apps you have found so far that can do this,



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