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Mind Mapping anyone?

I've been using Popplets as a simple mind mapping/whiteboard tool which works well for what I need. Videos on youtube.

Same here.
I used to use iThoughtsHD but ........

... one of the comments above was why aren't more people using mind mapping. I've been mind mapping for several years now and I think I can answer that. The issue is this; many problems are just to complex, with too many dependencies for a mind mapping process.

A mind map is very hierarchical, and many problems are not. While a problem can be broken up into a hierarchy of sub tasks/problems, there still remains many dotted line dependencies. These are impossible to note with many mind mapping applications.

However, something like Popplet gets around that. Popplet is free form, so you can create a traditional mind map, but also add in the dotted line dependencies (or at least you could if Popplet had dotted lines - still in development I believe).

The lack of development is a drawback with Popplet. It has the potential to be a killer mind mapping app, but right now it is missing some features. (line properties being the major missing feature).
Thank you Pik0!!! Your post on mind map apps has been a God send.

I have played around with similar programs such as Visio. I spent some time trying to create more procedural descriptions which flow charting could be effective but stopped using it unless I needed a layout for a slide presentation. I never used a free flowing thought engine like this. After reading your post and watching the videos of Mr. Buzan, I went to the App store and bought Mindnode. I launch it and tried a few things but due to lack of apparent tools (don't usually read user manuals, and for iPad apps that works out since they usually don't have any) I gave up. I went back to buy iThoughtsHD and found that I already bought it. I launch it and good it had a help sample. I used it to play around and thought I would give this a real try. Luckily, I have a new project that I have been creating an outline. Half an hour later, I have a huge chart that would have covered the entire white board in my conference room. This thing is great, it allows you to put down your thoughts as quickly as you can create it. A diversion thought, no problem - start a new map and then go back. Click on it later and move it somewhere appropriate. The thing that makes this work for me is also how I can manipulate the iPad by flicking and pinching. If this type of methodology became main stream it could be the App that validates the tablet format in the business world.

That being said, back to reality. I live in the Windows world and in order to communicate with others I have to be able to use formats that integrate with what they use. Do you know of a counterpart program for the Windows environment? I began looking at Mindjet Mindmanager. Do you or anyone know anything about it? I'm assuming that if I create a map on iThoughts and save it in a format that can be read by Mindmanager, I can then expand on it by adding actions items scheduling etc. I'm not foolish in thinking I can go back and forth between the two programs, it would be nice to create a map (which again only the iPad excels at) transfer it, add and edit and expand, and then use the iThoughts as a "read only" tool.
Hi Alan!!

So glad you like my article. I'm really passionate about mind mapping!!

So, yeah, you can install FreeMind on Windows. It's open source and works pretty slick. Not as pretty as Mind Node for the desktop, though. As it's written in Java, it will run anywhere... :)

Download - FreeMind - free mind mapping software

Then, sign up for a dropbox account and start saving your iThoughtsHD files to DropBox. Then, you can easily open access to DropBox and have it appear in your Desktop Explorer in Windows. Save your files in native .itm as well as the FreeMind .mm and you're home free.

Printing from FreeMind in tiled format to your local printer will help in the large format layouts and your team presentations. You could also print to PDF and send off to a service bureau and have them super-size it for you... :)

Have fun!!

Mindjet MindManager


I have Mindjet's Mindmanager at work, and was wondering if any of the current apps can be exported and imported to and from iPad to my work computer ?

If not, can any of them export to MS PowerPoint ?
Hi Quidditch

I have iThoughtsHD and have downloaded a trial version of Mindmanager. IThoughts allows you to export in many different formats and Mindmanager is one of them. I uploaded a copy of a map I did to Dropbox and pulled it into Mindmanager with no problem. It looks like it's a one way affair though. I can't see where I can read it back into iThoughts.

If you do use Mindmanager, I would recommend trying iThoughts. Although it appears there are many more functions available in Mindmanager, the ease of moving around in the iPad makes this tool much more useful in my opinion.

Fitst off, HNY

I have just upgraded from freemind to freeplane and i was wondering why freemind/plane doesn't have an apps equivalent?

Any other app for learning ?

Hi guys,

So check me out. I have worked for the last 6 months to develop a new kind of organizer! Instead of the usual confining hourly grid, each page of the book is laid out as a mind map page. At the center of each page is a bubble with the date already typeset. From there, you draw in your mind map diagram to represent each activity or event with associated topic maps that you want to track.

I wrote some custom software that typesets the entire book, which is now available from lulu.com in either PDF or paper form. After a wide variety of test marketing, the book is finally ready for market.

Please check out the below sampler PDF. This file is the pages 13 thru 22 of the book (out of 406) which includes the annual goals page, January goals page and the first seven days of January 2011. I welcome any and all comments and opinions of this book:


Andrew McLaughlin's Books and Publications Spotlight
Take a look at iThoughtsHD. It is one of my most used apps for analytical work. The creator updates it regularly.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

You might want to check out our flagship application mymind.anotherview.eu.

myMind delivers an unparalleled level of usability and keeps you focused on your ideas instead of how to operate the software. We have reduced the number of taps at minimum and got rid of point-and-click interface artifacts, toolbar, buttons, for the core operations.

We have a free version as well, you can try it here:

myMind START (iPhone/iPod)

myMind G-START (iPad)

(I cannot post links here so either copy&paste the links above in your browser or search for myMind in App Store)

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I am looking for an application to visually represent ontologies. What I am imagining is something like a "mind map" application. I need something that allows me to define the nature of the relation between concepts. Over time, I need to refine the information associated with the concepts.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Great idea for an mind mapping extension!! So, instead of just a multi-nodal architecture, to allow the definition of an archetype for each linkage. Perhaps the archetype hierarchy could be specified and maintained in a separate mind map? The FreePlane project is open source, perhaps some enterprising individuals could take up the idea?


I am looking for an application to visually represent ontologies. What I am imagining is something like a "mind map" application. I need something that allows me to define the nature of the relation between concepts. Over time, I need to refine the information associated with the concepts.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Mindmeister is currently free if anyone's interested.

I got my first iPad two days ago (and it's totally awesome) and now I hunting for apps. As for mind map apps, which ones are most interesting if one is looking for a smooth and intuitive experience rather than many features? IThoughtHD seems to be the leading app, but I hear mostly about its many features, but perhaps it's also the smoothest?
Northus said:
Mindmeister is currently free if anyone's interested.

The software is free but it requires a subscription starting at $5 / month. Also a coworker and I both use iThoughtsHD.
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skallal said:
The software is free but it requires a subscription starting at $5 / month. Also a coworker and I both use iThoughtsHD.

I think it's subscription only if you want full use of synchronization with their web service, which I don't. But in any case I bought iThoughtsHD (everyone's favorite), and also SimpleMind.

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