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Mirror to apple tv


iPF Noob
Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys, I'm new to the whole iPad experience and loving it. I purchased appletv 3rd gen yesterday and managed to get my photos and videos mirroring fine. This morning I seem to have a problem where if I mirror the whole iPad ( via double clicking the home button) I just seem to get kicked off my wifi network and it won't let me log back in while ive got mirroring set up this way? And it won't mirror my iPhone 4 via the double click home button at all. Any thoughts or advice ? Thanks, Kevin
Kevin I think the first thing I would try is shutting down and restarting everything, router, Apple TV, and iPad. This includes the reset button on the back of the router and the power cord for the Apple TV.
Just a thought, will this wipe the router settings? Or will turning the power off on the router be enough?
I didn't hit the actual reset button on the back of the router but powered down everything else. Same thing still happening. Ive noticed apple tv is loses it's connection to the network also. Everything works fine between my tv, mac, iPad, iPhone including streaming music, videos, photos but when I try and mirror the iPad screen everything leaves the network... ?
Got it sorted...it seems I had too many things connected to the router at the one time. Phone, iPad, computer, ps3 and apple tv. In fact I'm typing this mirrored just now :) thanks for you help earlier....
Glad you got it sorted. Oh and the reset button on the router doesn't actually wipe the router's data so nothing to fear there.
I have been playing around with this feature. I really like it. I didn't realize it but it will also stream music and some video to the Boxee box. Of course you can only mirror to the ATV.
Thanks Micky, yea whatever you say about apple and prices etc you can't knock there stuff for quality :)
kevinhunter said:
Thanks Micky, yea whatever you say about apple and prices etc you can't knock there stuff for quality :)

Except for the Netflix app on the ATV. I know Netflix writes it with Apple but that is the worst implementation I have seen. The TV episodes are nested too deeply.
I don't guess I follow as we watch several TV series off of ATV and they seem to work very well for us.
Mickeylittle said:
I don't guess I follow as we watch several TV series off of ATV and they seem to work very well for us.

It works fine but on other devices when you finish one show it automatically selects the next show for you. You also don't have to go as deep in the menu to play a show. It isn't a huge thing but once you get used to Roku or Boxee it is a little annoying.
I guess it's a good thing that I haven't tried either of them! My only complaint is that I'll have to jailbreak whenever it is available so that I can get my iPad to show in wide screen on my TV without having to hit the zoom feature on my TV remote. Whenever I do that I lose some of the picture off the top of the screen.
Some people are determined to have the entire TV screen used. Personally I would never zoom the iPad image because it would get distorted.
Micky I was reading last night about jail breaking the ATV...had no idea you could do that to it. Looks good though. Saying that I've never done on to my phone or iPad either but think I'm def going to do it to the ATV!?

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