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Mirroring to my HDTV from Ipad2


iPF Noob
Everyone indicates this is easy color me stupid

For some reason it does not work for me. I do the following:

1. Plug my Apple Digital adapter into the slot at the bottom of the Ipad2

2. Plug the charger with the charger cable into the electric socket and the other side of
The cable into the digital adapter

3. Plug the HDMI cable into the digital adapter and plug the other side of the
HDMI cable into HDMI port 2 on my T V ( my cable connection is in port 1)

4. Select input on my remote to HDMI 2

Nothing happens just a message. ' No video input'

Yes the iPad is at the home page. I am interested in watching Netflix videos on my flat screen TV.

Any assistance appreciated
I'm not familiar with HDMI (haven't got anything to use it with) but iOS only enabled mirroring with version 4.3. Do you have that version or later?

You can check under Settings > General > About.
Ok, then I have to admit to total ignorance, other than the basics on Apple's site. I'd check all the input settings on the TV as well as fiddling with the iPad. Hopefully someone with direct experience will amble by in the meantime.
Thanks for your assistance and time. I will play around with it and if all else falls will contact Apple Support
By your description, that's exactly how I plug in my mom's iPad2. 'Cept I don't plug in the power - it's just the iPad2 running on battery.

Couple things to look at: (1) Are you waiting long enough? Sometimes it takes a bit for the iPad to "push" to the TV. I've sometimes thought it wasn't working, but then it comes up. Don't have exact times though... (2) Try hooking it into your HDMI port 1 slot? Just to see if things work...

Other than that, I've got nothing. As I said, it just works with my mom's. Sorry if no help.

What is the res of the tv now? Not entirely sure but just a guess perhaps the tv has to be set to 720p?
thank you everyone and especialy Marilyn - mirrowing now works. The solution as Marilyn suggested was to use HDMI 1 instead of 2 or 3. I am not sure why, but it worked.

Just a note on a related topic, it looks like mirroring only works with the hdmi adapter but not with the composite or component cables. I only discovered this after getting one... Looks like I need the hdmi version!

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