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MIssing Apps post 5.x Upgrade

WTF are my apps iOS 5.x? Backed up/synced my iPad2 BEFORE upgrading and BAM lost all my apps, even though it prompted and said my restore from backup had been restored. Like, WTF?

Well, it seems iOS isn't as smart as we like to think it is...I had to go into iTunes and tell it to resync back to ipad...like, if they were there pre backup, shouldn't the restore take care of all that? ;-)
You probably unplugged the iPad too soon. Only app data is stored in the backup. The apps themselves need to be re-synced afterwards. The upgrade actually went through several steps with pauses in-between each while the iPad reset and then reconnected to iTunes. The App restore was the step right after the restore from backup. The step after that would have been a general sync with iTunes.

If you unplugged the iPad after the first restore, thinking it was done, you interrupted the process.
You probably unplugged the iPad too soon.

nope, no disconnect occured to wel after noticing the missing apps, even after syncing I still had some that disappeared

Only app data is stored in the backup. The apps themselves need to be re-synced afterwards.

a backup should backup everything. Silly that it doesn't...bit microsoft like in how many silly steps are needed.

The upgrade actually went through several steps with pauses in-between each while the iPad reset and then reconnected to iTunes. The App restore was the step right after the restore from backup. The step after that would have been a general sync with iTunes.

Yes, and it's that sync that failed and I had to go in to the purchased apps and resync...what a pain that was

If you unplugged the iPad after the first restore, thinking it was done, you interrupted the process.

nope, certainly didn't interrupt anything, as I said, I never powered off or disconnected the cable right up till it told me it was ready to be used again, but thanks for highlighting it as some may miss that in the future...
When I updated my wife's, my son's, and my iPads to iOS 5 I had a similar problem. My solution was just to restore from back up. All my apps reinstalled that way.

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