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Missing download icon


iPF Noob
hi - hope someone can help. I have iPad 2 - 4 of and an iPad 1. Just yesterday I discovered that on all the ipad 2's the download icon normally against movies on the purchased page in iTunes have all disappeared. But are there on music and tv shows. iPad 1 ok, Apple TV ok and iPhoneSE ok. Any ideas?
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Try force closing the App Store: double tap the Home button so that you see the App Switcher, then slide the App Store app towards the top of the screen.

Restart your iPad - turn it off and on again.

If you still can’t download the movies: do you have any age restrictions enabled? If so, disable them.
Hello JA - thanks for the welcome. I have already tried force closing and re- starting the iPad's. I do have age restrictions on 2 of the iPads ( all in family sharing) and on those the movies they can't download a greed out but still no download icons. On my IPad there are no age restrictions....
If they are greyed out, they can’t be downloaded because of the restrictions, that’s why you don’t see a download icon there.

Is there a download icon on your iPad?
Thanks JA,

On my iPad no movies are greyed out and no download icons are next to the movies. On family shared iPads (3 of - all iPad 2) 2 have restrictions and yes they are greyed out but no movies have any download icons and the other iPad 2 on shared has no restrictions but no download icons. On my iPad 1 there are restrictions which are greyed out but all other movies have the download icon on the iPad 1 only and can be downloaded. On all iPads download icons are present on music and tv shows. On my iPhone 6SE all movies music and tv shows have the download icon.
Hope that makes sense.
Did you take a look at the content of your Videos app? When there’s no download icon next to them, they usually are already downloaded to the iDevice.
I only have 3 videos downloaded to my device and I have about 115 videos purchased. But it's not just my device. We have kids movies that we share - all iPad 2's can see the full list of movies whether they have restrictions or not but none have any download icons.
Do you allow “Installing Apps” in Settings - General - Restrictions - iTunes & App Store Purchases?

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