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Missing iTunes icon


iPF Noob

I'm not sure if I shoud be posting this problem in this forum or in the ipad2 forum, but because I have a jailbroken ipad, I figured it should go here.

I jailbroke my ipad2 a while ago and everything was working fine. Today, when I wanted to launch iTunes on my iPad, I could not find the icon anywhere. If I go through spotlight, I can launch it, but otherwise, it is no where to be seen. Not being a fan of having to type something, when a simple push of the button does the trick, I was wondering if anyone has any ideas how I can get it back. I have a few extensions installed, most notably Sprintomize, but from what I dan tell, it is not blocking the showing of the icon and I do not use restrictions.

Thanks for any help
Are you sure it didn't get moved to a folder because iTunes can not be deleted and the only way to make it disappear is by using Restrictions
I checked every folder, in fact I checked every folder at least twice and never found it. However, i never thought of checking my SBSettings. I thought i had left everything in the "on" position. Apparently iTunes was not. Thanks for the idea RudyL90. All is good in the hood again.

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