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mobile substrate upgrade from cydia


iPF Noob
I noticed when i opened my cydia there is an upgrade for mobile substrate ..

I am so reluctant to do the up date, since i read quite a few post that stating problems after upgrading mobile substrate ..

My question is :
- What is the function of mobile substrate .. (In a not too technical terms)
- What will happen to my jailbreak 4.3.3 3G-Ipad 2 if i don't upgrade and leave the mobile substrate upgrade just there.. (hopefully the 5.0.1 jailbreak will come soon)
- IF I DID upgrade, and for one reason or another problems arised and my Ipad got stuck .. Could i restore back my Ipad to the current jailbreak state ? (I have installed Pkge BackUp) also safe mode .

thank you ...
Mobile Substrate is a core component of the vast majority of jailbreak tweaks. You should always accept updates for this component unless you read credible advice to the contrary from a trusted source such as this forum.

No such recent advice has been issued for Mobile Substrate, so you should update it. As always, you should protect yourself with a recent backup using a tool like PKGBackup before you udate.
thank you for the advise .. appreciate it .. have installed the update and all is well ... cheers

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