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Modern war factions

Need A good faction with good benefits
Very active daily player played for one week already level 42
If there are any openings post on my wall
add me
Shadow Elite Team is accepting applicants
Motto: Teamwork to Win
Faction ID: 791037707
Finished Top 400 in last war and hope to get Top 250 in this one.

Bonuses: -19% Health Regeneration ddc8a
+25% Infantry Defense
+20% Ground Defense
+5% Ground Attack
+5% Infantry Attack
+15% Air Defense
+10% Sea Defense
+25% Building Defense
+5% Building Output
+18 Guild Member Increase

Only ACTIVE players need apply.
We do require a daily donation of $2,000,000.
Gold is not required but appreciated.

5 Openings...Don't wait, only 2 days until War begins

I'm the Leader of the Old Salty Dog faction. I have openings for 8 active players who like to play, don't like spending gold, can make donations but will not be required to make daily donations, Who have A/D above 50,000 and like to use the forum. And like to keep things respectful!!!!

Though we are a North American Based Faction we also have players from the Europe and Asian Theaters and would like to expand.

We realize family comes first and faction second , so all we ask is if you can't make an event or war just give us a "heads up" so we know you are still active!

Our Stats are as follows: 32 member slots / 20% Infantry and Ground Defence / 10% Air and Sea Defence / 20% Building Defence / -14% Health Regen Time / 5% Building Output

Faction Code: 923 005 184

Das Fergmiester Level 178 / 178K Attack 224K Defence
***** E09 Faction 247-772-023 *****
Accepting 100/100+ daily players.
20K WD points per war Min.
# 286 Faction in Poland
# 202 faction in Madagascar.
# 484 faction in Columbia.
-19% Health Regen Time
+05% Infantry Attack
+30 Infantry Defense
+20% Ground Defense
+15 %Air Defense
+10% Sea Defense
+25% Building Defense
+05% Building Output
+22 Guild increase
Gold players welcome, Not Required! Made some major upgrades! Join us to the rise to the top! We only ask for daily donation no required amount. Our big thing is 20K WD points. Some guys are doing 5-10 times that amount, 20K is easily obtainable.
Booted 4 No Reason II

[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Looking to to fill up the last spots in "Booted 4 No Reason II". If you are not already in a faction or are unsatisfied with the one you are in than come join us. We have great bonuses and placed in the top 1000 in Madagascar and 1200 in Poland. We are looking for daily players at level 70 or higher with good stats and at least 400 allies. We require daily donations but do not have a minimum on $$. Faction Code 112-366-982
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Causality rate -14%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Health Regen Time -26%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Ground Attack +20%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Air Attack +15%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Infantry Attack +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Sea Attack +15%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Infantry Defense +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Ground Defense +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Air Defense +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Sea Defense +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Building Defense +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Building Output +30%[/FONT]
[FONT=.Helvetica NeueUI]Guild Member Increase +24%[/FONT] photo2.webpphoto1.webp
Join “Red Zone Conflict†Faction # 229932463 Looking for Daily Players or just ally up 223592129 244453427 561118634 924747311 998487337 347008941 !!! A New Faction on the rise!!!
Great Faction Looking for Dedicated Members!

Hey guys, Spetsnaz Operatives are looking for new recruits to be apart of a top ranked faction 1000 Ranked in the last war. We have 3 very dedicated players at the moment all with 30k+ Stats we are a very friendly and Team oriented faction. We have 2 Bonuses so far with daily donations of 10m+ we Accept ALL members regardless of stats, all we ask is that you participate in the wars and donate when possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope to see you join our forces! Our Faction ID is as Follows: 562-202-292, So you want to have fun and be apart of a great team oriented atmosphere come give us a shot we wont let you down!
Ruskie Power...I have moved your post to this thread for better attention.


Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
Come join our faction NL-Power
Invitation code: 216 284 474

We are a laid back faction, with lots of bonuses. 5% building output increase, many defense/attack stat increases and many more.
Currently with 11 very active members with level around 90-130. You dontt have to be super strong or rich to join, all we need is commitment!

Looking to have regular players but no stress; we dont kick out members who are inactive just because they go on vacation for a few weeks.

Join us 216 284 474
The ZOMBIE MONKEYS Want You! Our Faction ID is 124112865.

Are you happy with your faction? If not we have some spots.

I bet you are thinking, why should I join this faction. The answer is simple, we are a top 500 Faction; well on our way to becoming a Top 250. We placed in the top 500 in the following Wars: Egypt (457), China (365) Ireland (331) Columbia (356) and Madagascar (409).

Here are some benefits you will get once you join:

Health Regeneration (-19%)
Ground Attack (+10%)

Infantry Attack (+10%)
Infantry Defense (+25%)

Ground Defense (+20%)

Air Defense (+15%)
Sea Defense (+15%)
Building Defense (+25%)
Building Output (aka $$$$$) (+15%)
Guild Increses (+24)

We want all members over 100A to score at least 15,000 World Domination points and be an active player with communication. Lower Attack Level Players will always be taken into consideration and we will build them up to be powerful ZKs. Minimum Contributions are set weekly depending on need.

With all of that being said, our Leader's number one rule is that you should always be increasing your Vault, Increasing your Land, Upgrading a Building, and Building a New Structure at all times, before you donte money to the Weekly Goal. We are not unreasonable. We know everyone has a life and a family. Before a War just tell us you will be away so we are not wasting time telling you to kick it up a few notches.

Thank you for considering joining the Zombie Monkeys.
That's right, I just wanna have fun again. I'm tired of all the enjoyment being stripped out by rules and regulations, demands to perform, and friends being threatened with ejection.

So, who are you?
You are a fun faction with a laid-back attitude. A Top 4,000 or Top 1,500 faction is great, but I don't particularly care. More importantly, you are a faction with people who work as a team because they want to, not because they're being whipped. Bonuses are good, but I don't particularly care, because it's more about fun while working and building together.

So, who am I?
I'm Major Pain
Level 215
Attack skill 122,000
Defense skill 138,000
And did I mention that I just wanna have fun again?

PM me and tell me about your faction.

Come on and join SBS Mercenaries...we dont fight wars as a faction, therefore staying free of all that MUST and BOOT! You get a guaranteed seat you always can return to. We fight as mercenaries for other factions if they are in need of help/ players, taking their ranking bonuses as our pay, entering one day prior and returning 1 day after...if that sounds like fun for you...call me!

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