Recently, after the war, the HellRazors removed many players due to lack of participation. We are friendly and extremely active. We also have plenty of bonuses for you to enjoy!
We have 10 vacancies that we need to fill, and one spot may be for you! We do extremely well in boss events and faction missions.
• Health Regen Time: -19%
• Infantry Attack: +5%
• Infantry Defense: +25%
• Ground Defense: +20%
• Air Defense: +15%
• Sea Defense: +5%
• Building Defense: +20%
• Building Output: +5%
• Guild Member Increase: +18
• Time to log on daily
• GroupMe app for communication
Lots of participation in WD events and various other bonus events
• Donations 10x your hourly income (We often have donation pushes where you donate as much as you can)
• You must make sure you understand the plan. (We had people declaring war while we were supposed to be
building up energy)
• 300K-400K A/D may be accepted, but preferred 500K+
Invite code: 677-250-163
We understand you have a life too, and we'll do our best to work around your schedule!
We hope to have you in our faction!