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Modern war factions

i am level 31 with 206 allies. i havent been playing long but i play about every 2 hours or so atleast. it looks like i need to join a Faction if i want to be strong and good so i am looking for a good Faction with nice and daily players and not people who just want me to donate and then kick me out. im only level 31 right now but i just started not even 2 weeks ago. if you have a strong Faction and are looking for a loyale fast rising player please send me a message. thanks

ID number 408-338-420 i accept all request
Join our FACTION ! We have a great growing group! Looking for higher level players


Health Regen +18%
Infantry Def +20%
Ground Defense +10%
Air Def +5 %
Sea Def +5%
Building Def +25%
Building output +5%
Guild member increase +14

We are looking for STRONG players who will donate almost daily !
700466586 WE HAVE SPACES AVALIABLE for higher level players ! We finished in the top 1000

Health Regen +18%
Infantry Def +20%
Ground Defense +10%
Air Def +5 %
Sea Def +5%
Building Def +25%
Building output +5%
Guild member increase +14

We are looking for STRONG players who will donate daily !​
Order of the Sun Lord invites you join them in the ongoing quest to vanquish darkness throughout the globe. Only the most dedicated of soldiers will survive the cold harsh battleground of Greenland. We did well in the battle for Brazil with only 4 active members, achieving over 60,000 battle points. Join us and prove your worth. 550 513 941
photo (7).webp <---- Our stats speak for themselves. We are looking to recruit a few good soldiers before the next campaign starts. Faction ID 304 343 609
need players that want to work together and achieve more !

hey peaple just registered on here to find high level players wanting a more team based faction !!
its a new faction where 5 of the players including myself got fed up with the lack of help from 23 other players !!! very frustrating peaple starting wars when peaple wernt ready or evan on !!!! and im hearing alot of peaple saying the same so we are 5 daily players looking for high level daily players wanting to take part and comunicate and work with the faction etc etc

currently 5 member
leader-DR V - level 141
officer-edwards-level 112
officer-superseen-level 28..... me :)
member-shawn-level 103
member-conner redman-level 43

ok we have two lower levels but the guys were happy with our team work and effort evan at such a low level and my own win ratio during last war was a 3.0 etc as we know its about waiting for the big guns breaking the defence then the little guys picking the little weak targets ,,,,,,,

ok ive blabbered enough lol hopefully this catches the eye of some team players at a high level that want to get involved sooner the better as we have 22 days till next war and enough time to rebuild and RETRY lol

ok faction name ---- RETRY----
faction abr-----------RTY-----
faction code-------279644146-----

well hopefully we atract some fresh players and look forward to getting stronger , hopefully together all the lads are pretty cool all players are welcome AS LONG as you put the work in and comunicate
Our faction made the top 10 . we are looking for strong players that are willing to spend a little gold and have strong stats. PM me your numbers if you are interested.
I'm Bzrq, Very High leveled, an I play and spend too much!
ID# 487 501 751
Faction Invite Code = 883944044
The Mongol Hordes

Looking for faction members. Current stats are:

Members: 26
Infantry Defense: +5%
Building Defense: +15%
Bank Balance: 40,000,000

We finished just short of 2000th place in the Battle for Brazil.

We’ve got some great members who are willing to sacrifice and fight viciously. But we’ve also got a few deadbeats.

If you’re willing to participate, consistently and without reservation, in a faction that in up-and-coming, the invite for The Mongol Hordes is 171 969 730

Don't worry that we're at 26 of 26 members. If you're up to it, we will kick out non-participating members
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Join Pulp Faction! Top 1,000 faction with defense leader of 127k. Current stats are +5 building output, +25 building defense, +15 infantry defense, +10 ground defense, +10 air defense, +10 guild member increase, and +9 health regeneration. Level 100+ only and must be active donator and commenter! Faction code is 110058554!
new faction been started and want players! 5 players have branched off to make a better more competative faction that work more as a team play daily and work as a team only started yesterday but already have 3 upgrades/bonuses and recruited 2 new players !!!!

rules ,,,, we want pl,ayers that play daily and comunicate and are willing to work as a team and work hard for bonuses and bricks etc etc if youre interested here are the details

faction name ---- RETRY-------
faction code ---279644146---------------

hope to here from players !!! we know there are many disgruntled players looking for a more team based and organised faction i promise this is one just need more committed players willing to help and communicate etc our last faction was just out off the top 2000 and were a terrible faction so we do beleave if we can attract a few daily players we can fair much better hope to see some more recruits soon thanks :)
700466586 WE HAVE 1 SPACE AVALIABLE for a higher level player !
We finished in the top 1000
WE FIGHT on a regular schedule. Dedicated group!

Health Regen +18%
Infantry Def +20%
Ground Defense +10%
Air Def +5 %
Sea Def +5%
Building Def +25%
Building output +5%
Guild member increase +14

We are looking for STRONG players who will donate daily and be active! JOIN US we have a TERRIFIC GROUP! IF you donate & fight you WILL NOT BE BOOTED!
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700466586 WE HAVE 1 SPACE AVALIABLE for a higher level player !
We finished in the top 1000
WE FIGHT on a regular schedule. Dedicated group!

Health Regen +18%
Infantry Def +20%
Ground Defense +10%
Air Def +5 %
Sea Def +5%
Building Def +25%
Building output +5%
Guild member increase +14

We are looking for STRONG players who will donate daily and be active! JOIN US we have a TERRIFIC GROUP! IF you donate & fight you WILL NOT BE BOOTED!

I Just started but im really active and can donate daily cause i won a 1m price, so if you are intreste to recruit me just message me in-game or here with you offer or if you dont need me

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