rus said:All sent
You rock! Thanks!
rus said:All sent
I'm in great need of friends who do send eggs back, my id is sanne1009, thanx. And i'm searching for a striped wump!
MalooJay said:Hey monster carers! I know that we cant gift eggs we've been given, but I've got eggs that I'm certain I bred and don't show up when I try to gift. Has anyone else going this?
It's frustrating that I have eggs people are requesting but can't give. I'm going to try to put all of them into the shop in the next weeks.
KristinaNY said:Was wondering if someone could enlighten me on how MPS chooses our friend list? I mean, I have x amount of game center friends and then only a random handful appear on the friend list in game. Granted, I get it, they cant just post up 100+ shops, but how do they come up with the list they generate as is? I'm trying to add my daughter as my friend, and I'm her friend, but I can't seem to add her as my own. Also, if she's requesting eggs from my shop, will I still see the request and be able to fill it even if she's not on my friends list in game? Thanks
MalooJay said:Has anyone got a bunny tuckle please?
I have got spares to give away (before i have to delete them)
Pointy peeper
2x squiggly polygol
Stripey chuffle
Added a tufted pernicket
Any takers?
she_pot said:Hi! Can I have the peeper please?
gc: she_tidz