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Monster pet shop

Hey I'm looking for a chubby krakel, chubby tricyclops, and a nubbed bumpkin. Please if anyone has an egg for these I'd really appreciate it.

Also send GC request if I haven't already added you, my screen name is same as on here.

And please visit my shop and request any monster egg you might want. I always fill requests, even if it takes a little while (the rare monsters I get a lot of requests for).

I have one spare nubbed marina egg if anyone wants it just let me know on here. First come first served! (:
skankyxoxo said:
Hey I'm looking for a chubby krakel, chubby tricyclops, and a nubbed bumpkin. Please if anyone has an egg for these I'd really appreciate it.

Also send GC request if I haven't already added you, my screen name is same as on here.

And please visit my shop and request any monster egg you might want. I always fill requests, even if it takes a little while (the rare monsters I get a lot of requests for).

I have one spare nubbed marina egg if anyone wants it just let me know on here. First come first served! (:

I have a chubby krakel in my shop which will mature later today. Please send me a request and hopefully I will get some chubby eggs.
skankyxoxo said:
Hey I'm looking for a chubby krakel, chubby tricyclops, and a nubbed bumpkin. Please if anyone has an egg for these I'd really appreciate it.

Also send GC request if I haven't already added you, my screen name is same as on here.

And please visit my shop and request any monster egg you might want. I always fill requests, even if it takes a little while (the rare monsters I get a lot of requests for).

I have one spare nubbed marina egg if anyone wants it just let me know on here. First come first served! (:

Chubby krakel sent
HI all I am a level 9 on the game and have no friends that play it can any one help me out. I have no berries left and am stuck on getting monsters. I am not sure how to add or invite friends. My face book ID is Gloria Deal. Please help me out. Thank you all
GorGor said:
HI all I am a level 9 on the game and have no friends that play it can any one help me out. I have no berries left and am stuck on getting monsters. I am not sure how to add or invite friends. My face book ID is Gloria Deal. Please help me out. Thank you all

I suggest that you register with Game Center as most of us on this forum use our Game Center identification ( GC id )

Once you are on Game Center you can send friend requests out. If you look back through the last few pages of this iPad forum you will find the names and GC id of current players.

Please send me a friend request and I will send you some eggs to get you started again. I will also gift you monster food every day. You will find that you can play the game quite happily without berries especially as the fruitmachine games are free to play once every day and often gift colours.

My GC id is jonew10
Sasha 14 and shanz 13, my boxy moppet had matured and I tried many times until the system said it can't have eggs anymore still can't get boxy moppet! Am so sorry :(I only get a pointy and a squiggly, both I have not before. Will get them breed asap. If need their eggs at that time then feel free to request again!Sorry can't help this time:(
Creamm said:
Sasha 14 and shanz 13, my boxy moppet had matured and I tried many times until the system said it can't have eggs anymore still can't get boxy moppet! Am so sorry :(I only get a pointy and a squiggly, both I have not before. Will get them breed asap. If need their eggs at that time then feel free to request again!Sorry can't help this time:(

I have a mature boxy moppet and I have another hatching in 3 hours and hopefully I can send Sasha and Shanz eggs for you. Shanz 13 has sent me a request already. If you need a boxy moppet yourself then please send me a GC friend request.

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