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Monster pet shop

Hey viviann, my tufted tumper does not have any eggs, and all the rest of my tumpers are also out off eggs, I need to wait one little tumper to be mature to make more eggs and continue the breeding. So if you can wait I will surely send one tufted to you! :)
Can i have that fuzzy egglet please? I will send you a long eared snorker, and see what else i got in a few.

Oh shoot! Someone snatched that up before I saw this. Anything else you need? I have a chubby krakel, horned fuzzle and pronged fripp that should all be mature within a day or two.
reasav said:
Well, it wasn't me then as my egg still in the incubator..lol! I already send my request for the squiggly tricyclops though. Thanks!

I have a squiggly tricyclops egg ready for you but it won't let me send it right now, will try again later! (:
taragel said:
Ok y'all -- My incubators are full! Who needs eggs? I have:

Fuzzy Egglet (Aqua and blue)
Horn-Nosed Rabble (White and light blue?)
Round Moppet (Olive and purple)
Horned Tumper (Purple and aqua)
Nubbed Marinna (Purple and violet?)
Chubby Gloop (Puprle and orange)
Fuzzy Tuckle (blue and olive)
Squiggly Squidge (green)
One Horned Steve (blue and dark grey?)
Horned Pogonip (violet and green)
Stripey Wump (rose and blue, can make 1 egg)
Squiggly Gloop (can make 2 eggs)

I'm looking for:
Red Horned Rabble
Red Chubby Tricyclops
Horned wump
horned terrabear
horned bumpkin
boxy moppet
long-eared snorker

I have sent boxy moppet, horned rabble and chubby Tricyclops. Please may I have the pogonip?

I am always happy to receive any sort of eggs as I can keep them in my received list before moving to a spare space in my incubator. The list shows their shelf life and I then don't get them confused with those eggs I can gift. I always use all eggs that have been gifted to me.
@vicky_passariello: my one-horned tumper only produced one egg of the same kind and I already sent it to other player when your request came in. So sorry I can't fulfill your request... :(
Does anyone have a stripe steve egg? My customer asked for the blue one, but I'll take any color available....please send it my way... Thanks a lot!
taragel said:
Oh shoot! Someone snatched that up before I saw this. Anything else you need? I have a chubby krakel, horned fuzzle and pronged fripp that should all be mature within a day or two.

Well in that case i am still on the market for a fuzzy egglet, if anyone can spare one ot would be great!
taragel said:
oh thanks! Just sent you friend request in Game Center.

I accepted ur fren request. But I am so sorry my boxy moppet did not produce boxy eggs. Do u need a squiggly egg? I have an extra one.

Btw can I have ur horned fuzzle egg if u still have it? Thanks :)
I accepted ur fren request. But I am so sorry my boxy moppet did not produce boxy eggs. Do u need a squiggly egg? I have an extra one.

Btw can I have ur horned fuzzle egg if u still have it? Thanks :)

No problem--I got one from Jo, and as soon as fuzzle matures, I'll get you an egg. I'm breeding two right now, but should be later today! :)
I have sent boxy moppet, horned rabble and chubby Tricyclops. Please may I have the pogonip?

I am always happy to receive any sort of eggs as I can keep them in my received list before moving to a spare space in my incubator. The list shows their shelf life and I then don't get them confused with those eggs I can gift. I always use all eggs that have been gifted to me.

Jo thanks so much! I sent the Pogonip and also a fuzzy tuckle. :)

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