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Monster pet shop

I'm breeding a tufted squonk right now...he should be ready by tommorow...I'll send it you then. Could you remind me of ur GC name so I don't send it to the wrong person?

I also have a bubbled marinna if anyone wants it!!

someone sent me the tufted squonk already, so i dont need it now. Thanks anyway :)
mY GC is Shanz_13
Add me if you havent already done so :)
Thank you everyone for all the gifts and eggs. For those who have requested eggs from my tumpers, I am breeding new ones to make the eggs, I will send all the eggs to you when they are mature!! :)
Hi, does anyone have a spare Terrabear, Striped Steve or Spiky Slugabug egg?

I currently have Squiggly Polygol, Boxy Gloop and Horned Snorker.
I also have these waiting for mature, if you don't mind waiting: Pointy Polygol, Pronged Anolly, Two Horned Steve, Chubby Krakel, Nubbed Marina and Round Moppet.

Add me on GC if you want to trade or need any of those eggs above: ursulaapsari :)
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chocolatepie said:
Hi, does anyone have a spare Terrabear or Spiky Slugabug egg?

I currently have Squiggly Polygol, Boxy Gloop and Horned Snorker.
I also have these waiting for mature, if you don't mind waiting: Pointy Polygol, Pronged Anolly, Chubby Krakel, Nubbed Marina and Round Moppet.

Add me on GC if you want to trade or need any of those eggs above: ursulaapsari :)

Sorry I don't have any of those you need...just check my shop to see if I have anything you want. Can I have a pointy polygol please? My GC: Sasha14

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