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Monster pet shop

ashpoo said:
Need a yellow squiggly tryciclops please

I have a pink and purple one you can have. Have you won any yellow food or dye from the mini games? You only need to change either the main colour or the accents of the monster to satisfy the colour. Not both. Let me know if the pink squiggly will do and I will send it.
Jonew10 said:
I have a pink and purple one you can have. Have you won any yellow food or dye from the mini games? You only need to change either the main colour or the accents of the monster to satisfy the colour. Not both. Let me know if the pink squiggly will do and I will send it.

Pls do send the pink squiggly if you can spare it. I will buy the yellow colour with 2 monster berries out of the 12 . berries that I have . Thank you.
Jonew10 said:
I have a pink and purple one you can have. Have you won any yellow food or dye from the mini games? You only need to change either the main colour or the accents of the monster to satisfy the colour. Not both. Let me know if the pink squiggly will do and I will send it.

Pls do send it. Don't have yellow but will buy it with 2 monster berries. Thank u.
sasha14 said:
I have:
Horned nosed rabble
Squiggly squidge
Stripey chuffle
Horned persnicket
Pronged annoly
Fuzzy egglet
Fin eared Marinna
Pointy polygol
Squiggly polygol
Bulb headed peeper

I need:
Fuzzy terrabear
Pronged rabble
Bowed polygol
Spotted Steve
Round squidge
Horned anolly
Spiky anolly
Spiky egglet
Horned slugabug
Round peeper

I have a pronged slugabug if u r interested?
ashpoo said:
Pls do send it. Don't have yellow but will buy it with 2 monster berries. Thank u.

Egg sent. You don't need to colour it straight away. It will take a few days to mature. I hope you are lucky on the mini games. I have won lots of colours. good luck
ashpoo said:
Pls do send the pink squiggly if you can spare it. I will buy the yellow colour with 2 monster berries out of the 12 . berries that I have . Thank you.

Received ...thank you so much.
Jonew10 said:
Egg sent. You don't need to colour it straight away. It will take a few days to mature. I hope you are lucky on the mini games. I have won lots of colours. good luck

Not so lucky in the mini games actually..never seem to get the colors I need. Have won quite a few purples though good lick to you and do let me know if u need anything specific. Thanks again .
Hi guys :)
I have just started playing this game & I'm addicted already!!! I don't have any friends though so anyone fancy adding me??
GC name: luceski

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