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Monster pet shop

Banging my head on the wall! Grrr… lost my terrabear again due to this stupid corrupt game issue. Taking a break from MPS until I get a response from Beeline about a solution. It's pointless for me to keep playing if my progress is going to disappear at the end of the day ):

Hope it gets better soon, skanky!
skankyxoxo said:
Banging my head on the wall! Grrr… lost my terrabear again due to this stupid corrupt game issue. Taking a break from MPS until I get a response from Beeline about a solution. It's pointless for me to keep playing if my progress is going to disappear at the end of the day ):

Oh no ..not again ! Do come back soon !
reasav said:
You got it right, vicky! :)
I, myself, is still in pain looking for finned bumpkin and tufted snorker *pfiuh*
Been in and out many shops but don't seem they're in the market rightnow....lol
So really appreciate if any of you guys could help me find one :)

Reasav.. I do have a finned bumpkin which is going to mature soon..hopefully it will give finned eggs..will send you one as soon as possible.
ashpoo said:
Skanky..I have a horned terrabear waiting for you !

Reasav...still not able to get into your shop. My finned bumpkin is ready to give eggs but I don't too much space in the incubator to hold the egg for you..would like to send you , hopefully a finned bumpkin as soon as you intimate me here that your shop is now reachable.
Omg!! I was level 18 with 96 monsters found and when I updated the app, it reset my store and I have to start all over from level 1. Did anybody have this problem after updating?

5W33T_LOV3 said:
Omg!! I was level 18 with 96 monsters found and when I updated the app, it reset my store and I have to start all over from level 1. Did anybody have this problem after updating?


Ok. So I got on their website and figured out how to open up the backup of my last saved game. Yay!

If anybody else is having problems with their game resetting, opening up a backup is possible!!


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