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Monster pet shop

Hi all, I still need the following eggs: spiky pogonip, horned anolly, pronged rabble and chuffle and bumpy egglet.

Could you please send me a horned chuffle. I will send you the rest if I have them. You are already one of my friends.
I need a horned chuffle. I have all other monsters. Please add me if you need any monsters and send me a request through thread if you need any particular monsters.

BTW: I am very good at getting you a requested monster. It just might take me a few days!

GC ID: Gr8fun82
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gr8fun82 said:
Could you please send me a horned chuffle. I will send you the rest if I have them. You are already one of my friends.

Gr8fun82, Thank you very much for your eggs. I am so sorry I don't have a horned chuffle at the moment.

Now left with only pronged chuffle and two horn Steve to complete my monster collection.

I have these eggs now - horned tumper, horned rabble, horned pogonip, horned and fuzzy terrabear and peep eye gloop.

There are many request for the bumpy egglet, I am trying my best to fulfill requests. Thanks for your patience.
Hi! I'm super new to MPS, but would love any help someone would give me. I'm only level 8, so I probably don't have what you need, but if I do, it is all yours! I'm in need of "whatever Lord Wigglebottom wants", a pogonip, polygol, and a terrabear. Please feel free to invite me, I need neighbors and gift daily :0)

would love to be neighbors, if you have room :) G/C theichaels2
Could use all the help I can get, ty!

(looking for a terrabear, polygol, and pogonip, TY)
i still have a pronged anolly, stripey chuffle, skinny tricyclops, pointy peeper, long-eared snorked, stripe-snouted snorker to give away to make room in my slots - PM me

i am looking for chubby tricylops, striped steve, spiky slugabug, curly-pronged marinna
Hi, I'm playing monster pet shop with my 4 year old and he loves seeing all the new monsters. We would appreciate any extra eggs you might have. We already have the basics, chuckle, anolly, chuffle, etc. GC username: jam1el33 thanks!!
Hello Jamie,

Sent you a Terrabear, Tricyclops X2, Tuckle, Anolly, Gloop X2, Moppet, Polygol, and a Marinna. :)

Hope your boy enjoys them!!


I really want rabble ang bumpy egglet and tumper :)) thx for add me too
GC; sskku

I have spiky slugabug :D if you want some tell me.
Hi, I'm fairly new to MPS, been playing a week and addicted ;)

I couldn't find a general chat thread so can I ask a question here? A friend has sent me an egg I needed today but it hasn't turned up - can they get lost in transit?

She only just set me up a a FB friend and sent it before I'd logged in. At first she wasn't showing up as a friend. I've since logged out an it and fully shutdown the app but no egg. I've sent her an egg and it was received. Was about 8 hrs ago. Any ideas?
Hi, I'm fairly new to MPS, been playing a week and addicted ;)

I couldn't find a general chat thread so can I ask a question here? A friend has sent me an egg I needed today but it hasn't turned up - can they get lost in transit?

She only just set me up a a FB friend and sent it before I'd logged in. At first she wasn't showing up as a friend. I've since logged out an it and fully shutdown the app but no egg. I've sent her an egg and it was received. Was about 8 hrs ago. Any ideas?

Aahh, I've figured it out! Upgraded the app, did the tutorial on gifts and now have a bunch of gifts there :)

Thanks lots to those who sent! I'm working on the requests :)
Thanks to all who have sent the eggs that I requested.
I wouldn't have been able to complete my monsterpedia without your help.
Thanks again!

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