iPF Noob
Long Eared snorker sent
Still looking for a nubbed tuckle D:
sent you the tuckle!
Looking for a Curly-Pronged Marianna and a Bunny Tuckle
Last edited:
Long Eared snorker sent
Still looking for a nubbed tuckle D:
sent you the tuckle!
Looking for a Curly-Pronged Marianna and a Bunny Tuckle
I've never had this "Zora" you speak of
Do you have to be a certain level to get her as a customer?
Yes, it's on the way to you.
Yes, Zora is a new costumer after the last update. And normaly, she pays in lot of xp plus berries and tickets for the slotmachine..
Game Center ID "Spitzetollmann"
can anyone spare me some SPIKY SLAGABUGPlease?
Hi friends... In need of a striped bumpkin and a mouse earred fuzzle pls . Thank you so much for helping out .
Sent from my iPad GC ID:- Aishupoo ~
Long Eared snorker sent
Still looking for a nubbed tuckle D:
sent you the tuckle!
Looking for a Curly-Pronged Marianna and a Bunny Tuckle
Looking for a striped bumpkin....