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Monster pet shop

Yes, I did! In case suicidol wanted it. If he will take yours, u can have mine. My only request is that you please give me another fuzzy from it bc I've never discovered that, but don't really have room for it at the moment.

thank you so much! i surely will. :)
I've seen treasure monsters in the egg store twice - both times for 40 berries. I'm still holding out for ones available for coins, but I'm starting to lose hope that will happen. So far I've gotten two customers to take non treasure monsters for a treasure monster request. Both times they took the rarest version of the monster they were requesting.

I wonder why am I not seeing any special eggs in mine, more or less we are at the same level of the game and I fulfilled already 5 special requests with regular ones..anyway I do not have that much berries, still saving :) :)
I wonder why am I not seeing any special eggs in mine, more or less we are at the same level of the game and I fulfilled already 5 special requests with regular ones..anyway I do not have that much berries, still saving :) :)

I'm on level 25 and play every day. I still haven't seen a special egg from the egg man, either to buy with coins or berries. I've seen many of the new monsters when visiting my friends to gift food but like you they don't show up on the lists. Maybe we'll be lucky and get one soon
Good luck everyone.
To everyone who sent me a request for a finned Marinna. Sorry - she gave me only one finned egg and I gave it to the first person who requested it.

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