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Monster pet shop

The update didn't seem to fix the Krakel problem - I just sold a krakel and got another krakel request.

I noticed that the update gave me the option to dismiss the first half of my customer requests. I haven't tried it because I have all of those growing right now.
Sheesh...even more problems with the game now. I managed to sell some monsters that were not requests from customers, and now I can't sell any! Not even to the adoption agency. I also can't go into my second room. Crashes when I try to name them and breed. Sorry if I can't fill egg requests. :( I thought that maybe it would be fixed when I updated my iOS, but nope! I sent beeline all my crash complaints, they responded asking for more info, I replied with more info... NADA. Me sad. :/
Im pretty sure we/you cant gift treasure monsters D:

I hope that's not the case :'( the only reason i stopped playing MPS was because of the never ending krakel requests

The requests for krakels are still very much on !

Sent from my iPad GC ID:- Aishupoo
I'm happy to say that after updating, my game is working great!! & I'm lucky enough to not have the krakel craze like the rest of y'all. But I prepared for it before knowing. So, if anyone needs a krakel, I have like 4 to spare.

So happy to have my game back :)
Need the following to have all albinos if anyone can help. I requested a bumpy egglet from someone already. But wanted to add it to the list in case they didnt get one. Thanks!!

Horned anolly
Spiky anolly
Nubbed pogonip
Bumpy egglet
So true :( sold my krakels to get 9 more requests for krakel

might havta wait for the next update to play

Do you need any krakels? We can trade ;) nubbed bumpkin for a krakel or 2 :)
& thanks so much for holding on to that bumpkin for me for so long!! Hope the craze dies down soon
Do you need any krakels? We can trade ;) nubbed bumpkin for a krakel or 2 :)
& thanks so much for holding on to that bumpkin for me for so long!! Hope the craze dies down soon

I need about 2 krakels thanks!:)
and not a problem, glad I can help
I'm sending the bumpkin and egglet over now :)
Need the following to have all albinos if anyone can help. I requested a bumpy egglet from someone already. But wanted to add it to the list in case they didnt get one. Thanks!!

Horned anolly
Spiky anolly
Nubbed pogonip
Bumpy egglet

H & s anollies sent, please let me have 2 of the offsprings back. Hope you will get the albinos soon!
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