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Monster pet shop

Hi guys...I have been travelling and didn't anticipate having such a sketchy Internet connection most of the days I've been away! Soooo sorry if I have been leaving requests hanging. :/

I finally have room to breed eggs now...of those who have requested a pronged or fuzzy terrabear, who still needs one? I know many of you will have gotten them from other people, so if you could let me know, that would be great! I will await responses :)
Hi guys...I have been travelling and didn't anticipate having such a sketchy Internet connection most of the days I've been away! Soooo sorry if I have been leaving requests hanging. :/

I finally have room to breed eggs now...of those who have requested a pronged or fuzzy terrabear, who still needs one? I know many of you will have gotten them from other people, so if you could let me know, that would be great! I will await responses :)

If it's not too much trouble could I have a pronged one? Thanks! :)
Hi guys...I have been travelling and didn't anticipate having such a sketchy Internet connection most of the days I've been away! Soooo sorry if I have been leaving requests hanging. :/

I finally have room to breed eggs now...of those who have requested a pronged or fuzzy terrabear, who still needs one? I know many of you will have gotten them from other people, so if you could let me know, that would be great! I will await responses :)

Got a pronged fuzzle so u can delete my request

gc: shay's place
You're very welcome. I am so glad that you were able to complete your albinos!! It was funny I was breeding my Fuzzy Terrabear and rather than paying more to breed it with a horned Terrabear from the MCS Breeding Center I just used my pronged Terrabear in my shop. I figured I needed a pronged one anyway to send to you, and I might get it to you faster than waiting for the pronged Terrabear to mature. However, I didnt even get one fuzzy-I got all pronged!

That happened with mine too...Two pronged from the fuzzy, and two fuzzy from the pronged!! There might be a formula to this monster breeding...

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