Was finally able to send out a couple of boxy eggs to Erickneidel and Christinaamy93. Currently incubating another boxy because I have several more requests. Just be patient!
If someone can help me with the following, I'd be very grateful. Thank you. - Thea701
4th Frip (unknown)
fuzzy tumper
pronged fuzzle
Nubbed Pogonip
Spikey Pogonip
Hi, my fuzzy tumper is maturing soon, hopefully I can get more than 2 eggs so I can send one to you. Request one in my store, so I remember ....
And I have the fin-eared fripp, but I saw that you already have one, so I guess someone already sent one to you....
@hapiplaya: I can't give you any eggs as long as your shop still purple.... Sorry...