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Monster pet shop

sasha14 said:
Hi All! First Post
Add me on GC: Sasha14
I have a lot of Shark finned Fripp eggs, Fuzzy Egglet, One horned Steve and others
I really need a POLYGOL, CHUFFLE (type does not matter) or Tufted Skonk.

Cuffle (mouse earred) sent!
Shanz_13 said:
Does anyone need fuzzy thumper, one horned thumper, tufted thumper eggs? I also have stripe snout snorker egg.

GC: shanz_13

I would like a tufted tumper if you have one spare. Thanks for the other eggs you have sent over the last few weeks.
Hi all, am starting level 16 but just started to add friends in game centre! Well, please don't laugh at me, kind of introvert.
And that's the reason I can't fulfill many of the customer request as limited berries and also waited super long for new eggs arrived :(
Anyway I realized I need friends!!!!
Haha, am now have eggs of chubby tricyclops, horned bumpkin, squiggly squidge, stripe snouted snorker, horned snorker, only one each
And now skinny tricyclops and tufted fripp are on their way to mature
Feel free to request those egg from me, they arent anymore novel to me
I keep breeding familiar monster:(
Haha, have some customer requests have been delayed for two months long lolx

Anyone have terrabear, polygol, curly pronged marinna, round squidge, nubbed egglet?
Appreciate if anyone got extra:) my id: seeying07

Creamm said:
Hi all, am starting level 16 but just started to add friends in game centre! Well, please don't laugh at me, kind of introvert.
And that's the reason I can't fulfill many of the customer request as limited berries and also waited super long for new eggs arrived :(
Anyway I realized I need friends!!!!
Haha, am now have eggs of chubby tricyclops, horned bumpkin, squiggly squidge, stripe snouted snorker, horned snorker, only one each
And now skinny tricyclops and tufted fripp are on their way to mature
Feel free to request those egg from me, they arent anymore novel to me
I keep breeding familiar monster:(
Haha, have some customer requests have been delayed for two months long lolx

Anyone have terrabear, polygol, curly pronged marinna, round squidge, nubbed egglet?
Appreciate if anyone got extra:) my id: seeying07


Horned bumpkin please
Hey sam_ejo, I'm so sorry but my chunky squidge only produced one chunky egg and two squigglies, and reasav had claimed an egg first. Let me know if you want the squiggly squidge egg.

5W33T_Lov my nubbed marina is taking forever to mature but I have your request and hope to fill it possibly tonight, maybe tomorrow morning.
Random question but: what's the best way to spend monster berries in everyone's opinion? I refuse to buy any so am limited to the two we get with each new level (dinky!). I usually spend mine retrieving monsters who hatched but ran away. Lol.
taragel said:
Random question but: what's the best way to spend monster berries in everyone's opinion? I refuse to buy any so am limited to the two we get with each new level (dinky!). I usually spend mine retrieving monsters who hatched but ran away. Lol.

I save my berries to expand my incubators. I have received berries for selling clean monsters and for upgrading the game when a new version is released.

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