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More about EULA's


iPF Novice
I started a thread some time ago about EULA's, perhaps being a bit too outspoken because of a recent experience trying to wade through all that legalise.

But I just ran across an interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal about them and thought I would share it. I know I am not supposed to post links to external sites; however, I think the purpose of that rule is to prevent sneaky advertising of products, so I don't think I am violating the spirit of the rule by posting the info below. However, I will observe the letter of the law as well by adding an asterisk in front so that it technically isn't a link.

(http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100...4248.html?mod=WSJ_Tech_RIGHTTopCarousel_1]Are We All Online Criminals? | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten - WSJ.com)

Now suppose this line of info were buried on page 199 of a 250 page EULA---?

P.S. Well, the forum software was smarter than I, and it ignored the asterisk! So I tried parentheses. It ignored those, too! So, maybe I need a software package to read a EULA and catch all the gotchas!
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I started a thread some time ago about EULA's, perhaps being a bit too outspoken because of a recent experience trying to wade through all that legalise.

But I just ran across an interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal about them and thought I would share it. I know I am not supposed to post links to external sites; however, I think the purpose of that rule is to prevent sneaky advertising of products, so I don't think I am violating the spirit of the rule by posting the info below. However, I will observe the letter of the law as well by adding an asterisk in front so that it technically isn't a link.

(Are]Are We All Online Criminals? | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten - WSJ.com We All Online Criminals? | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten - WSJ.com)

Now suppose this line of info were buried on page 199 of a 250 page EULA---?

P.S. Well, the forum software was smarter than I, and it ignored the asterisk! So I tried parentheses. It ignored those, too! So, maybe I need a software package to read a EULA and catch all the gotchas!
Thanks for that. FWIW external links are fine providing they add to the discussion and meet the iPF rules regarding competing forums, blogs, ads, etc.

This is a perfect example of an acceptable link. :)

Thanks again!
I started a thread some time ago about EULA's, perhaps being a bit too outspoken because of a recent experience trying to wade through all that legalise.

But I just ran across an interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal about them and thought I would share it. I know I am not supposed to post links to external sites; however, I think the purpose of that rule is to prevent sneaky advertising of products, so I don't think I am violating the spirit of the rule by posting the info below. However, I will observe the letter of the law as well by adding an asterisk in front so that it technically isn't a link.

(Are]Are We All Online Criminals? | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten - WSJ.com We All Online Criminals? | Postmodern Times by Eric Felten - WSJ.com)

Now suppose this line of info were buried on page 199 of a 250 page EULA---?

P.S. Well, the forum software was smarter than I, and it ignored the asterisk! So I tried parentheses. It ignored those, too! So, maybe I need a software package to read a EULA and catch all the gotchas!

Not at all surprised. I have been digging into these agreements for years.

I recently read the TOS for my Virgin Mobile Triumph and it was interesting to note that according to the agreement I "signed" I cannot use my phone for business. Who here actually knew that thenr (VM) cell phone agreement would forbid them from using their phone for business? And who here doubts that VM would have fewer customers if they clearly stated upfront you cannot use your phone for business?

EULAs and TOS are a bit much, but corporations need to cover their arse.
Thanks for that. FWIW external links are fine providing they add to the discussion and meet the iPF rules regarding competing forums, blogs, ads, etc.

This is a perfect example of an acceptable link. :)

Thanks again!

I was going to say the same thing, but I was too lazy and no coffee yet, so I figured it is best if a mod comments. Better it come from you than me.

I have always been fascinated by EULAs and TOS agreements. Lots of stuff hidden in them and in my world, I must consider the implications of doing something and the possible problems a company can toss my way if I truly upset someone. And lawyers . . . they are forever and they insist that I cross every Z and dot every P.

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