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More storage and backup


iPF Noob
Hi all, just found the forum and it looks like a great place for learning more about the iPad and what it can do. Apologies if this is going over old ground but I am interested in learning more about extra storage and backups. We need something pretty robust so that all our family pictures and videos are secure. So for extra storage what is the best way of doing this as my iPad is now full? I have seen iTunes mentioned (I thought it was just music and videos) and also external storage. Please keep the answer non tech otherwise I will probably not get it.

So if the answer is iTunes and then backup the whole thing to external storage, can you access individual files? I hear that the file structures for Apple are slightly different from the usual PC folder structures. Just trying to make sure that we don't lose everything. Thanks for any help that you can give.

Hi Russ and welcome to the Forum!

Yes, we would recommend that you use iTunes as a backup for all the info which is held on your iPad. It is then also a good idea to have all this info then stored in another place. I will attach a couple of links here for you to look at but I'm sure others will also give you their thoughts on this matter.


I have moved your post to a thread of its own in order for you to get more help on your question and to not disrupt that other thread you had posted in. I have also moved it to the Help Forum so that you will attract more who can help you.

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

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Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Many thanks Leelai, that is really useful. How do I go about backing up all of stuff on the c drive on the PC including I tunes? Is it just copying the whole cd drive or is there something a bit more intelligent than that? Also a follow up, when I do the next backup, do I have to do the whole thing again and overwriting things or can I somehow just transfer the new files?
Many thanks Leelai, that is really useful. How do I go about backing up all of stuff on the c drive on the PC including I tunes? Is it just copying the whole cd drive or is there something a bit more intelligent than that? Also a follow up, when I do the next backup, do I have to do the whole thing again and overwriting things or can I somehow just transfer the new files?

Hi Russ - well Leelai has already made some suggestions and provided several links. As to your iPad, just to reiterate you can use iTunes on your PC, either cabled or wirelessly; also the cloud (iCloud) is yet another choice; also keep in mind that many of the apps that you will be using allow their own backups on your computer and/or to their own cloud servers (e.g. I have apps for a wine collection, recipes, and movies - all have cloud based backup and redundancy should be a rule w/ any backup system, i.e. don't rely on ONE place only).

Now I believe that you are also asking on how to backup your PC - I'm now (after 30+ yrs on PCs) on Apple computers and use a variety of external drives, cloned drives, and a cloud service for my backups (3 per computer). But since this is specifically an iPad forum and secondarily an Apple one, you might want to join a PC forum - the recommendations will be similar but the software, cloud services, etc. may vary - when I was using PCs, my most active forum was CyberTechHelp - some great people there, and free malware removal service, etc. - enjoy. Dave

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