Cheers, but I have done all that and it still persists. It has become an itch that I just have to scratch. Having read some of the stuff on the Apple support forum I did find a lot of posters on there to be very unhelpful and appeared to be in denial. Amazing, the guy I quoted was asking for help and pointing out a potential, and I say potential, breach of IOS but all he got told was that basically it was impossible for malware to install itself unless his ipad was jailbroken. As it happens, nether my ipad nor his are jailbroken yet this problem has occurred.A problem cookie is the only thing I can think of.
Go to Settings > Safari. Clear Cookies and Data. Make sure your Block Cookies setting is set to block third party sites and advertisers.
Twerpoet, you certainly live up to the iPad legend!This Apple forum discussion seems to confirm the Reset All Settings fix.
Good luck.
No problem. I hope it works. While I don't' put much stock in the further instruction to delete recent apps, especially social game apps, and to log out of FaceBook, you might try those as well if the Reset All Settings does not work alone. I'd also avoid the site that seems to have originally cause the problem, at least long enough to confirm the problem is squashed. That way if it comes back you've got a little more info, and something to tell the site admins about. After having read a considerable amount, I'd like to retract the comments I made about the site and it's advertisement service. This is pretty wide spread, from what I've read, and many sites, mostly forums, have been affected by it. Android, iOS, and desktop OS's have all been affected. It's a browser thing.
If the website is important enough, you can visit it in private browsing mode after going to Settings > Safari and turning off Javascript. One prevents the persistent cookies that are half the problem. Javascript is the other half. You could just turn off javascript all the time, except way too many sites depend on it for their bells and whistles. Of course, it's possible the fishing forum wont' work without javascript and cookies as well. I'm pretty much out or ideas at this point, and further research has only turned up more of the same. If I happen across anything else in my internet wanderings I'll let you know.
Interesting. I would not have though that kind of app was possible, but I had not considered using proxy filtering to do the job. I learned lots of new things, which is reward enough for a bit of reading and guess work. Thank you.